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怎样才配叫做男人?Frank Sinatra, My Way视频


Frank Sinatra, My Way, With Lyrics


And now, the end is near 如今 终点近在眼前

 And so I face the final curtain 到了曲终人散的时刻

 My friend, I'll say it clear 朋友 我清清楚楚告诉您

 I'll state my case, of which I'm certain 这一路走来我所坚持的一切

 I've lived a life that's full 我活得充实

 I've traveled each and every highway 也踏遍了天涯海角

 But more, much more than this 但更重要的是

 I did it my way 我以我自己的方式走过来了
Regrets, I've had a few 即使有过那么一点点遗憾

 But then again, too few to mention 不过 还是那一句 不值一提

 I did what I had to do 我做了我应做的

 And saw it through without exemption 贯彻始终

 I planned each charted course 计划着每一步

 Each careful step along the byway 步步为营

 And more, much more than this 但更重要的是

 I did it my way 我以我自己的方式走过来了
  Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew 没错 相信您也明白 有些时候

  When I bit off more than I could chew 人就是要啃下啃不了的苦果

  But through it all, when there was doubt 但每当面临抉择

  I ate it up and spit it out 我都痛痛快快的啃下了 再狠狠的吐出来

  I faced it all and I stood tall 我选择了抬头挺胸去面对

  I did it my way 而我以我自己的方式走过来了
  I've loved, I've laughed and cried 我爱过 笑过 哭过

  I've had my fill; my share of losing 我也有感觉 也会感到挫败

  And now, as tears subside 而现在 蜡炬既已成灰

  I find it all so amusing 才发现 那都是何等美妙的回忆

  To think I did all that 想想我所做的一切

  And may I say - not in a shy way 请容我亳不羞涩的说

  "No, oh no not me"不 那(羞涩的)不是我

  I did it my way" 我以我自己的方式走过来了
  For what is a man, what has he got? 什么叫男人? 怎样才配叫做男人?

  If not himself, then he has not 要是放弃真我 那就一无所有

  To say the things he truly feels 咀巴就是要直纾胸臆

  And not the words of one who kneels 从不奉承谄媚

  The record shows I took the blows 各式各样的攻讦我都一一挺过来了

  I did it my way 我以我自己的方式走过来了

  yes,it was my way 是的 我以我自己的方式走过来了




Elvis - My Way (studio version)

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