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重庆万盛万人抗议:打倒黄奇帆 不挺薄




重庆万盛居民韦先生:〝万盛万人大游行与薄熙来事件完全无关,没有关系,这是实事求是,你可以随便问哪一个都是这样,因为人们的诉求没有得到及时解决,各方面的待遇在原来万盛区的基础上,待遇都减少了,没有通过会议表决,黄奇帆一手遮天,把这个问题处理下去了, 所以人们现在呼的口号就是要打倒黄奇帆,要黄琦帆下台。〞


网路作家 吴建国:〝如今薄熙来下台了,人们就不用去管他了,也没必要 管他了,而只管要在台上的黄奇帆下台。黄奇帆过去同薄熙来共事那么多年,不可能没有参与薄熙来的胡作非为。以后还会暴露出更多他牵扯到薄熙来胡作非为的事。〞








当地居民表示, 他们一定要坚持恢复万盛区,否则游行会坚持半年,一年,直到〝胜利〞为止。

采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Thousands of Protesters Urge Huang Qi To Step Down

In April this year, thousand of people held protests
in Wansheng, Chongqing.
This came during the sensitive time
when Bo Xilai was sacked.
Outsiders thought the protest was to support Bo,
but residents in Wansheng denied this.
They told NTD that the protest was against the merge
of Wansheng District and Qijiang County in October 2011.
Prior to the merger, the authorities didn't
communicate with local residents.
After the merger, Wansheng residents'
civil rights were cut.
As Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan was the decision-maker,
protesters urged him to step down.

In October 2011, the Chongqing government
merged Wansheng District and Zhuanjiang County.
Prior to the merger, the government did not
communicate their plans with the public.
Wansheng residents noticed the move a few months later.

Their health insurance was cut by 20%, and minimum living
guarantee money was reduced by 34%.
In addition, former civil staff in Wansheng have been
transferred to Qijiang.
This resulted in the power of consumption in Wansheng
seriously dropping, raising public anger. Protests resulted.

Because the time of the protest was close to Bo's removal,
rumours said this event was to support Bo.
NTD interviewed Wansheng residents.
They said the protest was not connected with the Bo affair.
They said Huang Qi was the decision-maker of the merger,
so they urged Huang to step down.

Wansheng resident ‘Wei’: “Tens of thousands of people
protesting has nothing to do with the Bo incident, this is true.
You can ask any of them and they will say so.
Our demands haven't been resolved on time.
Compared with Wansheng's previous welfare,
all aspects have now been cut.
This decision wasn't voted in the meeting,
and Huang controlled it and made the decision.
The public shouted out to ask Huang to step down.
He must step down.”

Writer Wu Jianguo said that the Wansheng residents protest
was against the merger of two places.
The protest was against Chongqing government.
Bo Xilai was the party secretary, so it was also against him.

Wu Jianguo: “Now Bo has been removed, the public don't
think about him any more. They just urged Huang to step down.
Huang was Bo's ally over the years, so it is impossible
that Huang wasn't involved in Bo's corruption.
More about Huang's involvement in Bo's
outrages will be exposed soon.”

Ms Zhao in Chongqing told the Epoch Times
the reason for the protest.
Bo forced Qijiang and Wansheng to merge,
then Qijiang will be upgraded to District level.
Wansheng always had stronger finance than Qijiang.

After the merger, Wansheng now subsidizes Qijiang
and Wansheng's residents have to cut their welfare.
It aroused a lot of anger, and finally protests took place.

Huang Qi was Bo Xilai's close ally in Chongqing's
“Singing Red Songs and Fighting the Black” campaign.

Commentator Shi Da said Bo's “Chongqing Model”,
merging Wansheng into Qijiang, is one of Bo's “expropriating rich, confiscating land” methods.

Shi Da: “Bo has done a lot of bad things in Chongqing.

His typical method was to crackdown on the tyrants
and confiscate their property.
Bo took advantage of the campaign,
coercing them to give their life to him.
This is the usual practice of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP).
Bo has accumulated a lot of money via his so-called
“crackdown corruption” campaigns.
His purpose was to establish his achievement,
and to enter the central leadership later. Bo owes 10,000 Million Yuan.
Once the public becomes clear-minded about him,
everyone will shout about being deceived. Bo's way can never win people's support.”

On April 10, tens of thousands of Wansheng
residents protested in the streets.
Qijiang District party secretary Wang Yue clashed
with protesters. He was beaten, and his face was bloodied.
Over one thousand riot police came, using tear gas
to dismiss protesters. The clash continued until midnight.

On May 26, residents from Wansheng
held a “group walk” to protest again.
When police stopped a 15-year old students
from passing, this student verbally abused the police.
He was beaten to death by police,
provoking the residents anger.

On June 1, the number of protesters increased to tens of thousands.
Many police and armored vehicles arrived in the area.
On June 5, Wansheng District protests intensified,
with thousands of emergency police having been sent in.

Local residents said that they are determined
to restore Wansheng District.
Otherwise, the rally against the county merger will
continue from 6 to 12 months, until they have victory.

责任编辑: 于飞  来源:新唐人 转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
