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定性薄熙来政治犯罪? 中共恐瓦解

文昭分析,目前,中共党魁习近平也没有表现出反对薄熙来所主张的政治路线,他只是反对薄熙来利用〝毛左〞思想来策划夺权。文:〝他们想要实现的目地就是说,让薄熙来不至于在他有生之年,继续对中央的权力构成威胁,不至于对决定惩处他的那几个中共领导人倒过来清算, 他把这个事情做实就可以了。但是,处死薄熙来会触犯党内的顽固势力,引起整个体制破裂的风险,这个风险太大,所以是不会这么做的。〞


















Analysis of the Impending Bo Xilai Trial


Beijing Lawyer Li Zhuang was framed, and subsequently

imprisoned by the former Chongqing secretary Bo Xilai.

Li came to Hong Kong to expose

the inside story on Bo's crimes.

Li stressed that Bo's crimes in violating

the law is much worse than his corruption.

Bo's sentence shouldn't be lenient.

Question remain over whether the Chinese Communist

Party(CCP) will treat Bo as a political criminal.

After the former railway minister, Liu Zhijun

was given a suspended death sentence,

some media have reported rumors that

Bo's trial will be held in July or August.

However, lawyer Li Zhuang has told media in Hong Kong,

that Bo's trial is likely to be held in September.

On July19, Li Zhuang spoke whilst in Hong Kong. Bo Xilai

violated the law, which is worse than his corruption.

Although it is claimed that Bo has been involved

in less bribery than Liu Zhijun, he has brought

China more damage than Liu in other aspects.

Li added that Bo's are crimes against humanity,

and against the progress of any civilized society.

He should not be forgiven.

In March2012, Bo was removed from

his position as party chief of Chongqing.

This was followed by news, which highlighted

that the CCP faces a dilemma in the Bo case.

On one hand, it is difficult to explain Bo's crimes openly,

and on the other, it is impossible to cover up his crimes.

Internally, the CCP has said that

Bo committed three major crimes.

Bo had political ambition, and was

involved in a military coup plot.

Bo was involved in corruption, and transferred

8 Billion Yuan abroad, as well as other assets,

before he took up office in Chongqing.

Bo is also suspected of murder. He had improper relations

with a TV presenter in Dalian, who later disappeared.

In addition, to allies of former Chongqing

Vice Mayor Wang Lijun were murdered.

In September2012, the CCP announced

that Bo committed the crimes of breaching

discipline, abuse of power, bribery, and

having improper relations with women.

The authorities have been lenient towards these crimes.

However, Bo's biggest crime was exposed at the end of last

year, and is one that the CCP has covered up by all means.

Bo is alleged to have been involved in the live

harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners.

This was led by former CCP Chairman Jiang Zemin,

with the involvement of Bo, his wife and Wang Lijun.

Recently, it has been publicized that in addition to the crimes

that the CCP announced, Bo also committed political crimes.

Xia Ming, US-based Professor in Politics at

the City University of New York, commented.

Xia said that it is common CCP practice

when an official is problematic,

either to classify as been involved in financial

corruption, or had improper relations with women.

The CCP will never suggest Bo was involved in

political issues, or was a part of party infighting.

Xia Ming:“Ideologically, Bo promoted

the CCP, and Mao Zedong thought.

Xi Jinping doesn't want to damage

the CCP's so called'legitimacy'.

Thus, I think Xi is unlikely to clean up Bo's leftist ideology.”

Wen Zhao, current affairs commentator commented.

At present, Xi Jinping didn't express his stance

against Bo's ideological political direction.

Xi is only against Bo's plot for a military coup.

Wen Zhao:“Their purpose is to stop Bo from

continuing to pose a threat to central CCP power.

They are stopping any chance for Bo to return to

attack the CCP leaders who decided to sentence him.

They just want to ensure his has no effect in this regard.

However, to sentence Bo to death will offend the party's

extremist forces, threatening the collapse of the system.

This entails too many risks, so they won't do so.”

Wen Zhao said that Bo represented the hard

line that existed in the Cultural Revolution.

However, recently, some leftist force seem to have

taken over Bo's“singing red, anti-corruption campaign”.

Wen Zhao:“It indicates that the

CCP's hard line forces are still strong.

This force, and the people who are against

Bo, have been negotiating for a long time.

It should be straightforward for them to reach a compromise,

which will be to ensure that Bo is not sentenced to death.

This is to try to ensure that the CCP won't split,

yet, will also not let Bo walk out of prison alive.

To delay Bo's trial further, will the CCP

sentence Bo as a political criminal?

Wen Zhao thinks that negotiations behind

the scenes may not reach a compromise.

Wen speculates that the most likely outcome is that

Bo will be punished for financial corruption, and

given a life sentence, or a suspended death sentence.




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