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2008-08-01 06:33
前言. 1
背景. 2
一、     中共对外宣传全球策略. 3
1   跨国境传播与国际战略. 3
2   对外宣传官员忌用“宣传”一词. 4
3   外宣重点统战的对象. 4
4   通过商业运作影响国外传媒决策. 5
5   实行新闻发言人制,统一口径. 8
二、     中共意识形态在全球范围的扩张. 10
1   中共主要外宣媒体在全球范围的覆盖情况. 10
新华社目标要“把地球管起来”. 10
中国新闻社是港澳台及境外华文媒体的主要消息来源. 10
中国国际广播电台(China Radio International,英文缩写CRI)节目覆盖全球. 10
中国中央电视台英语电视第九频道(CCTV-9)覆盖全球98%的陆地和海洋. 11
中国中央电视台国际频道(CCTV-4)基本实现全球覆盖. 11
人民日报海外版发行到世界80多个国家和地区. 11
中国日报发行范围覆盖全世界150多个国家和地区. 11
2   利用西方媒体加大对外宣传力度. 11
三、     采用多种形式和手段进行全球意识形态统战. 13
1   利用广播、影视、书刊及综合性文化交流活动的渗透. 13
2   为打退“国际敌对势力”的人权批评中共高举人权招牌. 16
3   发展互联网开辟对外渗透新渠道. 17
四、     结语. 18


视德国人马克思的暴力革命理论为 “立党立国的根本指导思想”的中国共产党[1],在1949年武装暴力夺取政权后,以改“生产资料私有制”为“公有制”[2]的名义肆意搜刮掠夺民间财富,把国家的全部资源迅速掌控在手中, 并作为中国共产党在过渡时期的总任务确定下来[3],写入中共第一部《宪法》[4]。随后,又把马克思列宁主义和中共独裁者的意志作为中国各族人民的“指引”写入中共第二部宪法[5],向全民灌输,强迫中国大陆民众背离中华民族文化和传统道德。中共五十多年来的暴政统治,造成八千万中国人口非自然死亡[6]。如何应对国际社会的反应,作为中共统一管理对外宣传的最高机构——中共中央对外宣传办公室(对外称中国国务院新闻办公室),其任务就是推动外宣媒体按照中共意图“向世界说明中国”,输出中共意识形态,影响西方的公众意志和外交政策,引导国际社会舆论迎合中共所需。


早期,中共对外宣传的渠道主要是靠喉舌媒体新华社。1955年12月,时任党魁毛泽东要求新华社“把地球管起来”,“尽快做到在世界各地都能派有自己的记者,发出自己的消息”[7]。那时,中共已显露意识形态一统天下的野心。基于这一目标,在1958年8月,原来“各自为战”的对外宣传由中共中央外事小组统一领导,组长是时任国务院副总理兼外交部长陈毅[8]。1989年6月4日,中共动用军队镇压学生民主运动,酿成震惊世界的“六四”惨案,引起国际社会包括海外华人的强烈谴责[9]。同年7月,美国、法国、英国、联邦德国、日本、意大利、加拿大七国首脑和欧洲共同体主席在巴黎举行会议,宣布要采取中止对华高层政治接触及延缓世界银行的贷款等措施制裁中共[10]。此时,国际形势剧变:柏林墙倒塌,东欧苏联共产主义政权纷纷垮台;国际人权运动处于兴盛时期。在此大背景下,中共头目邓小平提出了“韬光养晦[11],有所作为” 的对外策略,意在麻痹国际社会,实施蓄势待发的战略欺骗。中共为树立“良好”形象,走出困境,加大对外宣传渗透的力度,在1991年1月成立了对外宣传最高机构——中国国务院新闻办公室[12]。1993年3月, 国务院新闻办公室与中共中央对外宣传小组,两块招牌,一套人马,列入中共中央直属机构序列,由党直接操控[13]。 同年,中共中央对外宣传小组改称为中共中央对外宣传办公室[14]。各省、自治区、直辖市均设有同级的对外宣传办公室(新闻办公室)[15]。
1999年7月20日,中共和江泽民公开宣布对信仰“真善忍”的民众镇压,认为 “共产党人所具有的马克思主义理论,所信奉的唯物论、无神论,还战胜不了法轮功”,“岂不成了天大的笑话![19]” 这次,中共吸取了89年“六四”屠城后被国际社会孤立制裁的教训,加上积累了共产主义近百年的整人经验和极端残暴的手段,对法轮功民众的迫害由公开渐渐转入了隐蔽,形式上也更具欺骗性。9年来,中共中央对外宣传办公室积极追随、参与迫害,利用新闻发布会、文化交流、国际互联网络、广播、电视、提供书籍资料等多种场合和形式向国际社会散布谎言,诬陷抹黑法轮功,煽动人们仇恨法轮功,为中共对法轮功学员犯下的种种罪行开脱,运用各种手段令国际社会对这场群体灭绝性的信仰大迫害保持沉默。



1             跨国境传播与国际战略

1999年10月底, 江泽民在对法国进行国事访问前夕,利用法国《费加罗报》社论委员会主席佩雷菲特的书面采访之机,亲自对外宣称法轮功为“邪教” [23],为中共喉舌媒体抹黑法轮功定下统一口径,并一直沿用至今。
2000年1月25日, 全国对外宣传工作会议在北京召开。中央对外宣传办公室、国务院新闻办公室主任赵启正作了总结讲话,要求“根据国际舆情变化,积极地表达中国的观点。对外宣传工作者要加强调研,制定规划,探索规律,提高效率”。各地负责外宣工作的官员、中央和国家机关有关部门的负责人和新闻发言人、中央对外新闻宣传单位负责官员和部分驻外使领馆的官员参加了会议[25]。
2004年,中央外宣办主任赵启正在北京外交学院的一次演讲中,同样也谈到了“占领住制高点”的问题,他说 “媒体对事实的报道并不是十分客观的”,“谁占领了舆论的制高点,谁就有可能赢得国际社会和广大公众的理解和支持,把握先机和主动”,“所谓制高点就是人家相信你的观点和消息。舆论宣传作为各国政治、外交、经济、贸易的一种战略武器,在历史上起过重大作用…[28]” 同年5月13日,赵启正在清华大学的演讲时提出“全球传播”是中共“战略视野的全局性工作”,是“软实力”,是“综合国力的重要组成部分”[29]

2             对外宣传官员忌用“宣传”一词

出于这个考虑,中国官方文件把中共中央宣传部的英文翻译从Propaganda Department of the CCP Central Committee 改成了 Department of Publicity。同样,中共中央对外宣传办公室的官方正式翻译是 International Communication Office of CCP Central Committee。

3             外宣重点统战的对象

新华社“对外宣传有效性调研”课题组认为“对外宣传应该以对象国的中上层人士为重点对象,包括政界人士、工商界人士和知识分子,因为他们或是掌握着国家的政治权力,或是操纵着国家的经济命脉,或是影响着国家的思想舆论。而我外宣媒体,则应根据自己的特点,将重点工作放在对象国的主流媒体,加强与它们的交流与合作,特别是要与外国媒体著名人士交朋友,建立密切的联系,通过他们做好外宣工作。” 而“华侨华人和我留学生是我国外宣的另一重点对象…现在境外有数千万华侨华人,他们中的不少人已进入所在国的主流社会,甚至成为颇有影响的精英人物,外国人往往通过华侨华人了解中国,他们可以起到独特的桥梁和辐射作用。[35]
中央外宣办主任赵启正在北京外交学院的演讲时声称:“我们还跟外国媒体展开交流。不仅是像特纳(Ted Turner)这样的大人物,美联社、法新社、路透社、法国最大的世界杂志出版社、德国的贝塔斯曼,世界最大的书刊出版社,我们都有很密切的联系”。赵启正还举了一个实例,说他自己如何成功说服美国有线电视新闻国际公司(CNN)的创始人泰德·特纳(Ted Turner),取消了CNN新闻的片头有关89年“六四”时有个青年挡在坦克前的镜头:“他问我CNN好不好,我说不好;他说为什么,我说你们一小时一次整点新闻的片头有很多国际重要政治事件的镜头,其中有‘六四’政治风波时一个青年人在坦克前走来走去的镜头。我说,这个镜头你放了十年;他说,不是我一家电视台,都这样放;我说不,就你一个人,别人早就不放了。他当时就对旁边国际部的主任说:‘你为什么老放这个镜头,美国也有类似事件。你看我怎么处分你。’我说:‘死缓吧,让他先改造。’我以为他是在跟我开玩笑,后来据说,他回去真的说了那个主任,那个镜头也被取消了。[32]” 
2001年9月16日至18日,由中共对外宣传的国家通讯社——“中国新闻社”主办的“世界华文传媒论坛”南京举行,据称到会的境外媒体来自五大洲三十多个国家和地区,共有一百三十多家,一百五十位世界华文传媒高层人士参加。中国大陆也有60多家新闻机构参会。中共主管宣传和统战的各级官员参加了会议并作指导性讲话。“论坛”的议题有:“海外华文媒体的定位与应扮演的角色”、“海外华文媒体与国内媒体如何加强合作”等。论坛中共的意识形态统领对外宣传和“创造有利的国际舆论氛围” 这一宣传策略引导海外华文媒体进行充分讨论和出谋划策[36]。

4             通过商业运作影响国外传媒决策

由中共中央党校培养出来的“科学社会主义”“专业”博士吴玉荣[39],在2002年时提出“国外的传媒特别是一些跨国传媒集团说到底就是一个商业机构,其最终目的就是赚钱。既然是这样,我们就可以通过商业的规则来限制、影响国外的主流媒体,如通过调整与西方传媒公司的商业关系,通过限制或批准这些媒体公司在中国的经济活动,通过购买这些公司的股票来影响这些传媒公司的决策层”。吴玉荣还举了一些成功的经验:“90年代中期我们就先后通过允许新闻集团News Corp.)在中国发展卫星电视而使其终止了反华的BBC的“世界电视节目”,通过限制“迪斯尼”在中国的经营活动打击其参与制作分裂西藏的节目也颇有成效”[40]。
新闻集团(News Corp.)董事长鲁珀特.默多克(Rupert Murdoch,又译梅铎),在1993年,以5. 25亿美元的大价钱,刚买下了香港卫星电视( StarTV) 63.6% 的股权(于1995年购入其余下股份)[41],不久即宣称,“卫视对全世界的极权政府构成了明确的威胁”。在他讲这番话几星期之内[42],1993年10月5日,中国国务院颁布了《卫星电视广播地面接收设施管理规定》, 明确规定“个人不得安装和使用卫星地面接收设施”,“各地的电视台、有线电视台和电视转播台,一律禁止转播卫星传送的境外播放的电视节目”[43]。
2001年3月间,新闻集团(News Corp.)执行副主席詹姆斯·默多克(James Murdoch是鲁珀特·默多克的儿子)在美国洛杉矶举行的一个商业会议上,诋毁“法轮功”是一个“危险的末日教派”。他同时还指责某些西方传媒和香港的一些媒体热衷于对中国进行负面报道[48]。消息一传出后,中共的多家中央级喉舌媒体如《法制日报》[48]、《解放日报》、《人民网》[49]和《中新网》(由中国新闻社主办)[50]  等即时追炒。而“一些人权活动人士认为,詹姆斯讲这番话是为了讨好中国政府”[51]。
2002年3月 28日,新闻集团亚洲全资子公司星空传媒集团[52]旗下频道星空卫视被允许在广东有线网落地播出,这是中国政府第一次允许境外电视频道通过国内有线网落地播送。但交换条件,就是新闻集团协助中央电视台第九套电视节目(CCTV-9)在美国和欧洲落地。当时鲁伯特·默多克认为:这是新闻集团“在中国发展的里程碑”和“在中国取得更大成功的开端。[53]” 新闻集团在一份声明中还表示,中国国家广播电影电视总局(简称国家广电总局)局长徐光春曾指出新闻集团在中国应该有更大的发展机会,这“令人感到鼓舞”[54]。
事隔一年后,即2004年10月28日,由国家广播电影电视总局、中华人民共和国商务部发布的《中外合资、合作广播电视节目制作经营企业管理暂行规定》(44号令)[58]出台,自同年11月28日起实施。《规定》包括“不得设立外商独资广播电视节目制作经营企业”, 法定代表人须由中方委派”和“合营企业中的中方一家机构应在合营企业中拥有不低于51%的股份”,“合营企业不得制作时政新闻和同类的专题、专栏节目”等一系列苛刻条例
2005年3月4日,就国家广电总局发出“关于实施(44号令)有关事宜的通知”[59],其中特别强调广播电视节目制作业有很强的“意识形态属性”,要切实把握好“内容导向”,“了解境外合作者的政治倾向和背景”,“防止境外‘不良思想文化’通过合资合作的方式进入节目制作领域”,中共媒体随后发放消息“这意味着,在中国已有合资计划的索尼、维亚康姆、新闻集团等外资影视巨头将不可能在短期内再度扩张它们的影视制作业务” [60]。
2005年7月13日, 广电总局副局长田进[61]在全国广播影视对外工作会议上强调,“加强广播影视对外工作是反西化、反分化、反渗透,维护国家安全,守好舆论阵地的迫切要求…党中央、国务院历来十分关注境外卫星电视的管理工作,中央领导多次作出重要指示。…要确保辖区内允许播放的境外卫星电视接收用户信号全部来自于中央监管平台。这是考察检验各级广电部门境外卫星管理水平的一项简单明了的硬指标”[62]。
2005年8月,北京方面正式取消了准备允许默多克的新闻集团在中国各地扩大其广电播出的计划[63]。9月19日,美国的Bloomberg刊登了“默多克说新闻集团在中国撞了墙”(Murdoch Says News Corp. Has Hit ‘Brick Wall’ in China)一文,谈到日前在纽约一场由美国前总统克林顿组织的会议上,默多克承认新闻集团试图进入中国市场的计划触礁。他还提到中共当局原本承诺,但如今对境外媒体再次关闭大门。看来至今默多克仍不甚解,念念不忘实现共产意识形态一统天下,要“把地球管起来” [7]的中共当局,只会去“更多地占领国际舆论阵地”[30],哪有将舆论阵地拱手相让的道理。
新闻集团真正的教训,正如《经济学人》报导的,“投入十年的时间和大笔的金钱与中共高层建立起的关系并未能给默多克先生带来多少好处。在汲取完星空卫视公司的专业技能之后,中国方面也许不再需要默多克了”。 (a decade spent investing time and money to build relationships in China seems to have done Mr. Murdoch little good. Having milked Star for its expertise, the Chinese may well feel they no longer need him.)[64]

5             实行新闻发言人制,统一口径

例二,2005年1月28日,中国驻澳大利亚使馆新闻发言人发表谈话,把揭露共产党执政五十六年来如何残害中华民族、摧毁中华文化的大纪元社论《九评共产党》说成是“反华文章”;法轮功修炼者讲真象、揭露中共实行群体灭绝性的信仰大迫害,被中共新闻发言人说成是 “反华滋事活动”,并诋毁法轮功为“从事反华政治活动的反动组织”[69]。
2003年11月23日,中国司法部根据中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于进一步改进和加强国内突发事件新闻报道工作的通知》,发布“司法部关于进一步加强司法行政系统新闻宣传工作的意见” 司发通[2003]135号,要求“各级司法行政机关要严格按照中办、国办关于国内突发事件对外报道的通知要求”“要及时主动地向当地党委、政府的宣传部门和司法行政机关的上级新闻宣传部门请示汇报,按照统一部署进行。司法行政系统内发生的突发事件,主要包括重大安全生产事故、司法人权问题、重要押犯情况、“法轮功”…情况等。突发事件发生后,一般不做公开报道” [70]。
2005年6月27日,华北电力大学党委宣传部在发出的《华北电力大学(北京)校内突发事件新闻报道管理暂行办法》通知中规定,包括:1.党委宣传部和新闻发言人接到突发事件报道后,“依据已确定的报道口径和学校领导的指示,立即制定新闻报道方案,密切关注并调控校内外舆论”;2.“新闻通稿需经党委常委会讨论同意或经学校主要领导审批后,方可统一对外发布”;3. 未经学校上级主管部门同意,下列校内突发事件不进行公开报道,不接受校外媒体采访,如,涉及外国驻华使领馆、外国驻华人员、外国留学生和港澳台的重大突发事件;涉及民族、宗教、人权、“法轮功”等问题的重大突发事件;突发性“非法”集会、学潮、骚乱和其他群体性事件等[71]。
2004年3月30日,中国国务院新闻办公室发表题为《2003年中国人权事业的进展》的白皮书。其中内容提到“全国各级人民政府逐步建立健全新闻发言人制度,使公民享有了更多的知情权、监督权和参与公共事务的权利”[77] 。而事实上,在中共严厉的新闻管制下,89年六四惨案真象、迫害法轮功的真象从未见诸于中国大陆的任何媒体的报道。一个独裁政权在其体系中要建立健全新闻发言人制度,只能是为了加强言禁。自1991年以来,“国务院新闻办第八次就中国的人权状况发表白皮书”[78],为中共树立“良好”形象,洗脱迫害人权的罪名。
2005年3月30日,据新华网报道,赵启正在接受《人民日报》海外版的记者采访时说“每月,境内境外的主流媒体总能从国务院新闻办接到数封邀请函, 他们关心的所有问题诸如台湾问题、宏观调控等,几乎都涵盖在这些新闻发布会中[79]。赵启正答中国网记者问时谈到“美联社驻京首席记者告诉我,国新办新闻发布会的内容都是他们的报道重点”[80]。


中共通过这十几年的“韬光养晦”[11], 不知不觉中已在人们的眼皮底下内内外外织起了一张硕大无朋的“网”,中共意识形态正通过这张“网”在不断的向外扩张渗透。

1             中共主要外宣媒体在全球范围的覆盖情况



截止 2002年底,新华社对外供稿140多个国家和地区,境外用户共有5000家,其中包括如:美国的《今日美国报》、《科学》杂志,法国的《费加罗报》、《巴黎竞赛画报》,英国的BBC、《每日电讯报》,埃及的《金字塔报》等主流媒体[82]。
2007年,新华社新闻信息产品拓展到200多个国家和地区,海外有效用户增至14500多家;并使用中、英、法、西、印尼文5种语言向海外用户提供专版 服务,月均120版,落地稿件3000多条[84]。
2007年10月,中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会议再次强调新华社是“对外宣传的主渠道”。为增强影响国际舆论能力,新华社副总编刘江提出 “将中国新闻作为改进对外报道的突破口,将亚太地区确立为与西方大通讯社竞争的主战场。在“新闻舆论的引导”方面,刘江认为“时效是形成舆论引导力的重要元素”,并称“2007年,新华社国际新闻时效超过美联社、路透社、法新社西方三大通讯社或首发稿件近200条,超过其中两家的220多条。[86]”


中国新闻社(中新社)是港澳台及境外华文媒体的主要消息来源 [80]。中新社称与海外华文媒体有55年的直接供稿联系,中新社在国家大力支持下,将在中国外宣格局中发挥更大积极作用,并继续在海外华文媒体中发挥主导作用[87]。该社每天向300家海外华文媒体提供文字、图片通稿,与40家海外华文传播签约──中新专稿,对20余家海外华文传媒年供──8000个海外版面[88]。
中新社旗下的中国新闻社海外中心,是向海外华文媒体提供新闻供版服务的专业机构,据该社介绍,自1996年成立以来,始终发挥着“外宣的工作实效”的“强大功能”。在2002年底,中新社海外中心开始提供原创评论和新闻专电以供各报刊登,特别是在其时事评论专栏,海外中心自组评论员队伍在过去五年每天坚持一篇,迄今已发表1460篇。这些评论除在纽约和洛杉矶的华文报纸全部采用,还在圣保罗、巴黎、温哥华等地被选用。 [89]
2006年10月11日, 中国新闻社副总编夏春平在纽约访问美国亚洲文化传媒集团,并与该集团旗下的美国《侨报》、美国中文电视、《美洲时报》等多家媒体正式签署供稿协议[90]。

中国国际广播电台(China Radio International, 英文缩写CRI)节目覆盖全球



中央电视台英语频道CCTV-9是中国第一个以外国主流社会观众为主要对象的电视频道。自2000年9月25日开播,经5年后已成为国家级对外宣传全英语24小时播出的国际频道[ 93 ]。CCTV-9播出信号经数字压缩后,通过泛美8、9、10号和亚洲2号、3S卫星传输,覆盖亚洲、澳洲、非洲、美洲、欧洲、西太平洋、中东等全球98%的陆地和海洋,然后再通过各种合作方式全部或部分进入有关国家城市的有线电视网和开路播出电视频道[92]。例如,CCTV-9通过新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下的福克斯有线网以及时代华纳旗下的有线电视网络在美国播出[80]。







2             利用西方媒体加大对外宣传力度

5月7日,获知卫生部、世界卫生组织防治SARS联合工作组将在5 月中旬来河北考察的3名美国《时代周刊》(TIME)记者到河北省廊坊市固安县官村镇采访农民并拍摄照片,廊坊市外宣局得知后立即赶到廊坊市,外宣局的官员以没“办手续”的理由,“谢绝了他们的采访”。5月8日上午,又有两名《瑞士时报》记者从北京直达保定涿州市农村采访,涿州市外事部门得知后,跟随了他们两个多小时,并终止了他们的采访活动[105]。
5月21日,收到有关“外国记者违规到河北采访报告”的河北省委书记白克明,在与中央外宣办主任赵启正通电话时谈到,“可以适当放宽外国记者到河北,视条件接受外国记者采访河北防治非典的情况”。中央外宣办把通话情况告知了河北省委宣传部。据河北省委宣传部副部长、省政府新闻办公室主任相金科[106]说,“在中央外宣办一局的直接支持下,迅即制定了邀请外国记者到我省采访非典防治情况的《实施方案》,中央外宣办帮我们邀请了美国《美联环球电视新闻》、英国路透社、法国法新社、日本《朝日新闻》等几家世界上影响力较大的外国媒体。…还安排了新华社、中国新闻社、中央电视台、中国国际广播电台等国内媒体记者随行采访,拍摄一些资料以备用”。采访地点被安排在保定,因为“5月中旬,卫生部和世界卫生组织非典防治联合工作组在保定考察,有较好的接待基础” [105]。


著名西方汉学家比利时人西蒙莱斯(真名是利克曼)[111]在他所著的《中国阴影》中有这样一段的论述:“在中国,你看到的永远是中国官僚们布置好让你看到的,从你进入中国的那一刻起,你就像进入了一个高效率的“骗局”,你的旅行日程被安排得紧凑严密,几个星期下来,你感到非常紧张丰富,然后就该回去了。而且一定是带着丰富美好的印象回去。于是,一批批的西方记者被请进来,热情款待、紧张旅行,饱餐了各种中国菜与中国谎言之后,又被送出来,他们在中国看到同样的东西,回去又说同样的话,既无真实又无新意,这样,那些记者又何尝要不远万里来到中国,何不坐在办公室向壁虚构一番,反正都是谎言!”(Chinese Shadows. By Simon Leys,New York :Viking Press ,P1-2.)



1             利用广播、影视、书刊及综合性文化交流活动的渗透

2003年9月,中国广播影视集团党组成员, 中国国际广播电台台长、分党组书记李丹在接受记者采访时谈到,“‘文革’当中,我们的国际广播(90年代以前称“Radio Peking”)输出革命,当时听众来信最多的是越南、老挝、柬埔寨、马来西亚、菲律宾等国,那时他们都在革命,他们天天听我们的广播以指导他们的革命,我们的播音员都在他们国家成为明星了”。
1974 年9月,根据中加两国双方文化交流的协议,李丹被国际广播电台派到加拿大学习,他说“对西方新闻学有了较全面的了解,做了剖析研究,从那时起我开始学习研究我们的新闻理论和实践,结合我们的工作,把宣传新闻化”。
1984 年,李丹在美国斯坦福大学做访问学者。据称是由美国斯坦福大学“专业新闻工作者项目”部门出高额奖学金,国家派出,算自费公派。李丹对记者说“一年后,因为要研究了解美国国会,我转到了华盛顿的美利坚大学新闻学院。…我主要的精力、时间花在了去国会实习采访,对国会的内部情况、内部渠道、公开制度、国会与新闻界二者关系等问题都有了较深的了解。”,“我觉得这两年深入到美国社会细胞中去了,深刻了解了美国社会和人际关系。 [113] ”
2005年2月2日,中国国家广电总局公布并下发《2005年广播影视宣传工作要点》,其中包括要“改进对外宣传报道的方式、方法、手段,充分考虑境外受众的需求和习惯…大力实施广播影视对外宣传“走出去”工程,抓好境外落地工作,促进广播影视国际交流与合作”[116]。同年7月13日,国家广播电影电视总局党组成员、副局长田进[117]在全国广播影视对外工作会议上强调“加强广播影视对外工作是反西化、反分化、反渗透,维护国家安全,守好舆论阵地的迫切要求…广播影视对外工作作为党对外宣传文化工作的重要组成部分,是为党和国家工作大局服务的全局性、战略性的工作。[62] ”
2008年1月27日, 中共中央宣传部副部长、国家广播电影电视总局党组书记兼局长王太华[118]在全国广播影视局长会议上说:“当前和今后一个时期,广播影视系统的首要政治任务,就是要深入学习宣传贯彻党的十七大精神…把社会主义核心价值体系贯穿到各项工作中…加快走出去步伐…坚持与外交、外援、外宣紧密结合…进一步扩大重点国家、周边国家和地区有效覆盖…积极探索实施本土化战略,…切实增强对外宣传的针对性、有效性[119]。”
中国外文局是中共中央所属、直属中央外宣办(国务院新闻办公室)的副部级单位,据称是“主要承担党和国家书、刊、网对外宣传任务的新闻出版机构, 中国外文局已有 50 余年的历史”[120]。
中央外宣办副主任兼中国外文局局长、党组书记的杨正泉[121]称“50年来外文局出版发行书刊近11亿册,发行到世界180多个国家和地区,为向世界介绍新生的人民共和国…作出了贡献”[122]。1994年,中国外文局还专门创办了“以探讨外宣理论和促进外宣业务交流为己任”,“研究传播中国的技巧,探索全球传播的途径”的外宣刊物《对外大传播》,其读者对象是“中国涉外媒体从业人员、中央和各区县级涉外领域的工作人员,中央各大部委涉外工作者,各大院校对外大传播专业的师生,国家涉外工作者”[123] 。
2004年10月,中国国家新闻出版署副署长于永湛接受记者采访时说,实施中国出版走向世界的战略,“是一项紧迫的政治任务…对于不发达国家和地区,对于政治性强的外宣出版物,可以更多地使用非贸易方式;对于发达国家和一般出版物,可以更多地采取贸易手段…版权转让和合作出版应当是中国出版走向世界的基本方式。[124] ”
2005年7月下旬,国务院新闻办公室与新闻出版总署联合发布《“中国图书对外推广计划”实施办法》的通知,通知称,国务院新闻办公室将对购买或获赠国内出版机构版权的国外出版机构进行翻译费资助[125]。8月30日,国务院新闻办三局副局长吴伟在北京举办的“2005北京国际出版论坛”发言中说“在资助法国出版社出版中国图书获得成功的基础上,适时地推出了“中国图书对外推广计划” (the Program to Popularize Chinese Books Abroad——简称PPCBA计划)”。其主要内容是“通过资助翻译费的形式,鼓励外国出版商和出版机构出版发行关于中国的图书[126]。据中国官方的媒体报道,“至2004年下半年,我国政府已与美国、英国、法国、新加坡、日本、澳大利亚六个国家9家知名出版机构签署了资助约200万元人民币、出版110余种中国图书的协议” [125]。
2000年8月24日至9月17日,由中央外宣办策划组织的中国对外宣传行动——“中华文化美国行”在美国全面展开,内容包括展览、文艺演出、主题讲演3部分。在持续近1个月的活动中,中国的文化团体访问了美国9个主要城市。中国官方媒体称,“此举也是我国第一次运用公共关系手法进行对外宣传的成功尝试” [128]。
2005 年10 月26 日,外国专家局编辑陈伟源在“‘中法文化年’带给我们什么?”一文中说道“中法文化年的举办也给我们的外宣工作一个重要启示:外宣从文化着手其造成的影响是广泛而持久的,而且对方是喜闻乐见的…文化是一种“软国力”,而文化外交则是国家意志的柔性传播与经济、政治外交相比,文化外交可谓“润物细无声”,但其潜移默化的渗透,力量不可小觑。[132]”

2             为打退“国际敌对势力”的人权批评中共高举人权招牌

1990年10月,由当时任教于中央党校的董云虎、 刘武萍编著的《世界人权约法总览》(以下简称《总览》正式出版。董云虎称这部书稿缘起于“承担中央根据对外斗争需要布置的一个人权研究课题”[133]。

曾参与《总览》出版的责任编辑汪弥(瀰)称,“1991年 11月1日,中央外宣办(国务院新闻办公室)发表中国第一个人权白皮书《中国的人权状况》…在全世界面前理直气壮地举起了人权旗帜”,“董云虎参加了该白皮书的起草,成为该白皮书的主要执笔人之一。同年,他(原是讲师)被中央党校破格晋升为副教授,3年后,他被破格晋升为中央党校教授[133],1995年10月升为中央对外宣传办公室人权研究室主任,1997年6月升为国务院新闻办公室七局局长,并兼任中国人权研究会副会长和秘书长[135]。


3             发展互联网开辟对外渗透新渠道

1997年1月1日,中央对外宣传办公室的“中国互联网新闻中心”开通,成为中共对外新闻报道的一个重要综合平台[137]。同年5月,国务院新闻办公室下达了《利用国际互联网络开展对外新闻宣传的注意事项》(国新办发文[1997] 1号),文件规定:“国务院新闻办公室对利用国际互联网络开展对外新闻宣传实行归口管理,统筹协调新闻宣传进入国际互联网络(以下简称“入网”)”,“新闻宣传单位入网须提出申请,报国务院新闻办公室审批”,“各新闻宣传单位利用国际互联网络对外新闻宣传的内容,需在中央对外宣传信息平台统一入网,不得自行通过其他途径入网,更不得自行在国外入网”[138]。
2000年5月9日,中宣部、中央外宣办下发了《国际互联网新闻宣传事业发展纲要(2000-2002年)》,这一文件提出了互联网新闻宣传事业建设的指导原则和奋斗目标,并确定了首批重点新闻宣传网站:中国互联网新闻中心、人民日报、新华社、中国国际广播电台和中国日报(China Daily)[124];并以此为骨干,与“中央各新闻宣传网站、中央与地方新闻宣传网站以及驻外使领馆之间互联互通”、构成“密切协作的国际互联网新闻宣传体系”, 中国国际互联网新闻宣传体系的搜索引擎,只为国内外访问者寻找经外宣办批准上网的新闻宣传单位域名、信息内容提供分类索引和导航服务。由“中国网、国际在线和中国日报网站重点承担对外宣传任务。[139]”
2000年5月10日,在由清华大学国际传播中心主办的“网络时代的新闻传播” 研讨会上,中国国务院新闻办主任赵启正称:“中国进入每个时代都迟到了几十年甚至上百年,但这次进入网络时代却没有迟到,几乎是和美国欧洲同步,而且我们每一年网络的用户都以200%到400%的速度增长”[140]。
2003年11月14日,据中央外宣办(国务院新闻办公室)五局[18]调研员黄凤武向外公布的信息: [142]
中国日报网站:“发稿量从2000年7月的日均200条(幅)增加到2001年的日均800多条(幅)” ,“中国日报网站不仅在自己的网站上发布信息,而且还和路透社、英国金融时报道琼斯、DATATIMES、香港资讯行、亚洲信息、亚洲新闻网等近十家媒体或机构签定了供稿协议,借助他们在全球的影响力和发布、推广渠道,每日转发我们的信息,达到了‘借船出海’的目的。” “越来越多的海外人士已经把中国日报网站作为了解有关中国新闻及资讯的一个重要渠道。”

2003年,新华通讯社副总编辑,高级记者夏林在《中国传媒报告》2003年第1 期发表的文章中说“国家计委为五大重点新闻宣传网站基本建设先期投入的7500万元经费,财政部又对中国主流媒体五大重点新闻宣传网站给予了一定规模的年度运用资金,在信息产业部支持下,中央外宣办代表中央七家新闻网站与中国电信签署了线路费优惠50%的合作协议。在扩大对外传输上,按照统一规划原则,中国主流媒体五大重点新闻宣传网站与美国Genuity(杰纽特)公司签约,在美建立了带宽100M的镜像网站。网站开通后,境外访问量提高了2-3倍。143]”


[1]. 《中国网》新华社2001年7月1日
2. 《人民网》来源:《中共党史研究》2001年第6期“刘少奇与过渡时期总路线”中共中央于(1955年 )11月16日至24日召开有各省、市、自治区党委代表参加的关于资本主义工商业社会主义改造问题的工作会议。(全国人大常委会委员长)刘少奇在会上发言:改变生产资料私有制为公有制,是马列主义的基本点。
3. 《新华网》“过渡时期总路线”过渡时期总路线和总任务:“这条总路线的实质是改变生产资料的资本主义私有制为生产资料的社会主义公有制”
4. 《人民日报网》“五四宪法”诞生记——毛泽东在浙江亲自组织起草第一部《中华人民共和国宪法》
5. 《新华网》“中华人民共和国宪法”中华人民共和国第二部宪法(1975年制定)序言
6. 《大纪元网》大纪元时报社论【九评共产党】之七:评中国共产党的杀人历史“从1949年以后,中国有一半以上的人口受到过中共的迫害,估计有五千万到八千万人非正常死亡,超过人类两次世界大战死亡的人数的总和。” http://www.dajiyuan.com/
7. 《毛泽东新闻工作文选》第182页,新华出版社1983年12月第1版
8. 《中国电信集团公司网》“无产阶级革命家陈毅同志”
9. 《大纪元网》「红朝谎言录」全球有奖征文大赛参赛作品“谎言愚民唯我独尊争权夺利血雨腥风(六)”──六、四专辑续 作者:凹凸 http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/3/9/3/n369396.htm
10. 《红色网站》背景资料之四“邓小平南方谈话的前前后后” 作者:天津理工学院 人文学院 邓小平理论教研室
11. 韬光养晦(tāo guāng yǎng huì)成语辞典解释:指隐藏才能,不使外露。出处:《旧唐书-本纪第十八下宣宗》,书中描述唐朝皇帝宣宗,为人不露内秀,少言,幼时宫中的人都以为他非聪慧之人,偶然被其兄长洞悉,告知母后郑氏,皇后郑氏令其兄不要声张。后来宣宗果然继承了皇位。现代解释多引用《三国演义》中的历史人物刘备,在称霸一方前,由于势力还不够雄厚,假装种菜浇园,表现无心与人争锋,以图大计,这就叫做“韬光养晦”《国学网站》“原典宝库”--《旧唐书-20卷本纪第十八下 宣宗》作者:[后晋]刘昫等http://www.guoxue.com/shibu/24shi/oldtangsu/jtsml.htm
12. 《人民网》2001年11月20日国务院新闻办公室
13. 《法治中国——法律法规》1993年4月19日“关于国务院机构设置的通知” 中华人民共和国国务院
[1]4. 《新华报业网》2003年2月24日报道
[1]5. 《人民网》2000年11月6日国务院新闻办公室、信息产业部联合发布《互联网站从事登载新闻业务管理暂行规定》
[1]6. 《新华网》2003年3月17日“国新办历史沿革与职能”
[1]7. 《新华网》“赵启正简历” 
[1]8. 《人民网》“国务院新闻办公室”
[1]9. 《北京之春》2001年6月号(总第97期) “中共中央关于法轮功问题的文件” http://www.bjzc.org/bjs/bc/97/09
20. 《环球资讯网》(人民日报社新闻信息中心)《新闻战线》(2002年第11期)“以‘三个代表’重要思想 推动对外宣传工作的新发展” 赵启正
2[1]. 《人民日报》2004年10月25日 第九版
22. 《人民日报》(1999年2月27日第1版) 1999年江泽民在全国对外宣传工作会议上讲话   
23. 《人民日报》 (1999年10月26日第1版)
24. 《中国国际广播电台》2001年11月2日发表 国际广播电台主任编辑郭景哲论述外宣的心得
25. 《人民日报网》 2000年1月25日报道  “2000年全国对外宣传工作会议”                           
26. 《中国网》2001年1月13日 “全国对外宣传工作会议召开”
27. 《中国报道周刊网》发布日期2003年6月8日,摘自《中国传媒报告》“‘喉舌’的力量” ——从国际战略的视角看媒体的跨国境传播作者:夏林     
28. 《人民网》“赵启正:中国面临的国际舆论环境” 来源:《世界知识》
29. 《清华大学国际传播研究中心网》2005年4月17日发表《软力量与全球传播》根据国务院新闻办主任赵启正2004年5月13日在清华大学的演讲缩编
30. 《清华大学国际传播研究中心 》2004年10月28日报道 “刘云山:纪念新华社英语对外新闻开播六十周年”
31.[email protected]《中国记者》2004年第2期“进一步提高我国媒体对外宣传的有效性之三”作者:新华社“对外宣传有效性调研”课题组
32. 《清华大学国际传播研究中心网》转载外交部刊物《世界知识》2004年第5期“赵启正:中国面临的国际舆论环境”
33. 《新华网》2004年4月13日“国务院新闻办公室副主任钱小芊主持记者会”
34. 《香港文汇报》2005年7月20日 “钱小芊推介西藏不停歇” 记者彭凯雷
35.[email protected]《中国记者》2004年第2期本“进一步提高我国媒体对外宣传的有效性之三” 作者:新华社“对外宣传有效性调研”课题组
36. 《中国新闻网》2001年9月17日“图文:首届世界华文传媒论坛在南京隆重开幕”
37. 《同心网》 2003年7月11日 “紧跟经济全球化新形势,努力开创统战外宣工作新局面” 中共惠州市委统战部 黄琼基
38. 《中新网》2003年9月23日“华文传媒论坛闭幕 刘泽彭吁利用地缘优势谋商机”
39. 《中国党政干部论坛》2003年第5期“后冷战时代意识形态的变迁”
40. 《中国党政干部论坛》 2002年第6期“传媒全球化时代的中国国际形象战略” 作者吴玉荣
41. 《世界经理人周刊》2004年1月14日 “外国传媒集团在中国的发展现状分析”
42. 《美国之音中文网》(VOA Report: MURDOCH /CHINA) 2001年5月26日“传媒大亨默多克之子指法轮功是末日教派” 亚薇报导http://www.voa.gov/chinese/archive/worldfocus/mar2001/mon/0326018murdoch-chinagbtxt.htm
43. 《浙江在线新闻网》(中国新闻传播学评论)第十四章对传播新技术的管理 
44. 《中国新闻研究中心》来源:文化研究“ 默多克批判(上)”作者:袁爱中                       
45. 《中国媒体资讯网》“凤凰卫视简介”                          
46. 《人民网》来源:《北京青年报》“刘长乐凤凰八载长乐未央” 记者:吴菲
47. 《新华网》2003年9月2 日“全球性华语卫星电视台--凤凰卫视的品牌魔方”
48. 《法制日报》2001年3月26日第四版 默多克之子抨击“法轮功”
49. 《人民网》《解放日报》 2001年3月26日 
50. 《中新网》2001年3月26日 09:45 传媒大亨默多克之子抨击“法轮功”转载自《北京晨报》
51. 《美国之音中文网》VOA Report: MURDOCH /CHINA Mar.26, 2001 (亚薇报导) “传媒大亨默多克之子指法轮功是末日教派”
52.《百度百科网》星空传媒集团(STAR Group Limited)星空传媒集团是新闻集团全资拥有的公司,亚洲首要的多平台媒体内容和服务供货商。星空传媒向亚洲五十三个国家约三亿观众,拓展至五十多个频道以七种语言播放。星空传媒频道包括:卫视中文台、Star Plus、星空卫视、Vijay、凤凰卫视中文台、Channel [V]、ESPN、卫视体育台、Star Gold、卫视电影台、Star Movies、Star News 、Star One、、Star Utsav、Star World和凤凰卫视信息台。 集团也同时播放国家地理频道、A1 及 The History Channel的节目。
53. 《新华网》2004年1月8日 “传媒经营管理案例:默多克新闻集团中国攻略”
54. 《中国的中文电脑科技资讯网》 2002年3月22日南方都市报“凤凰卫视落地中国默多克星空卫视下月开播” 
55. 《中国网》曾庆红简历:2002年任中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记,中央党校校长(2002年12月兼任)。
56. 《人民网》2003年10月8日 鲁伯特·默多克:文化产业的价值——新闻集团董事长兼首席执行官鲁伯特·默多克在中共中央党校的演讲
57. 《新华网》2003年10月10日 “李长春会见默多克 希望新闻集团与中国多合作”
58. 《国家广播电影电视总局网》“中外合资合作广播电视节目制作经营企业管理暂行规定”(44号令):
59. 《新华网》2005年3月7日报道。来源:广电总局网站。关于实施《中外合资、合作广播电视节目制作经营企业管理暂行规定》有关事宜的通知
60. 《新华网》2005年3月7日报道,来源:《新闻晨报》 “新规定出台:外资影视传媒只能开一家合资公司” 
61. 广电总局副局长田进:共同推进中国——东盟伙伴关系
62. 《中国国家广电总局网》(田进)2005年7月13日在全国广播影视对外工作会议上的总结讲话(摘要)
63. 《BBC中文网》2005年9月19日。默多克抨击北京有“多疑症” http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_4250000/newsid_4259500/4259566.stm
64. 《经济学人》News Corporation's troubles in China, Sep 22nd 2005 http://www.economist.com/research/articlesBySubject/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4427632&subjectid=2743324&tranMode=none
65. 《中国网》2004年12月28日“中国政府三个层次的新闻发布体制基本建立”
66. 《大纪元时报》2001年1月17日,脱离“虎口”的张昆仑:我在中国被强制“洗脑”
67. 《大纪元时报》2001年1月21日“世界日报:张昆仑控述狱中受虐”
68. 《中国驻拿大大使馆网》2001年1月18日“中国大使馆新闻发言人就张昆仑记者会发表谈话”
69. 《中国驻澳大利亚大使馆网》中国驻澳大利亚使馆新闻发言人2005年1月28日发表谈话
70. “司法部关于进一步加强司法行政系统新闻宣传工作的意见” 司发通[2003]135号
2003年11月23日公布  附件:监狱劳教单位接受新闻单位采访审批表
71. 《华北电力大学党委宣传部网》2005年6月27日。关于印发《华北电力大学(北京)校内突发事件新闻报道管理暂行办法》的通知
72.《中新网》2008年06月12日 15:37 来源:中华新闻传媒网
“中新社抗震救灾报道:汶川地震 侨爱成城渡难关”
73.《大纪元网》悉尼时间: 2008年6月16日“四川维权人士黄琦遭控非法持有国家机密”http://www.epochtimes.com.au/gb/8/6/16/n2156695.htm
74. 《明慧网》2001年8月19日“旧金山265小时静坐活动暨记者会”
75. 《中国驻旧金山总领事馆网》2001年8月27日。中国驻旧金山总领馆新闻发言人发表谈话
76. 《《新浪网》2002年7月23日《新华社》华盛顿7月22日电:中国驻美使馆发言人驳斥“中国威胁论”
77. 《新华网》2004年3月30日 “03人权白皮书今发表 以人为本具里程碑意义/全文”
78. 《新华网》2005年4月13日“中国发表《2004年中国人权事业的进展》白皮书”
79. 《人民日报海外版》2005年3月25日,“国务院新闻办主任赵启正:努力向世界说明中国” 本报记者沈兴耕、张永恒
80. 《新华网》2005年3月30日“赵启正:敢让直播新闻会说明中国官员水平很高”
81. 《中国广州网》 2005年8月26日 “浅析外宣与内宣的联系和区别” 作者: 丁代书
82. 《中国记者》2004年第2期“进一步提高我国媒体对外宣传的有效性之一”作者:新华社“对外宣传有效性调研”课题组
83. 《传播学论坛网》2003年11月14日“全球化下中国国际新闻传播对策思考”作者:宋昭勋
84.《中国政府网》2008年1月21日 来源:新华社
“十六大以来我国对外宣传和对外文化交流工作综述” 记者魏武
85. 《对外大传播》 2005年6月,“掌握技巧减少宣传色彩外宣工作者需要什么”作者:唐润华/新华社新闻研究所所长
87.《中国新闻网--"产经资讯" 》中国新闻社《外报要览》介绍
89.《传媒--人民网》2007年11月9日 “中国新闻社海外中心” 来源:中华新闻传媒网
90. 《中新网》2006年10月12日“中新社与美国亚洲文化传媒集团建立合作关系(图) ”
91. 《CRIOnline 国际在线》中国国际广播电台(CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL)
92. 《国家广播电影电视总局网》“国家广电总局新闻发言人答香港《南华早报》记者问”
93.《传媒》杂志  2005年·第9期“CCTV-9频道的整体包装之路” 作者:王从卉                    
94. 《中央电视台网》 频道简介:CCTV-4(国际频道)
95. 《人民网》如何在海外订阅《人民日报海外版》
96. 《新华网》2005年7月4日转载 《中新社》北京7月1日电 “外宣5大媒体之一人民日报海外版创刊20周年”
97. 《中国驻法兰西共和国大使馆网》“中国主要对外传媒”  
98. 《青海新闻网》2008年1月21日“十六大以来我国对外宣传和对外文化交流工作综述”http://www.qhnews.com/index/system/2008/01/21/002341459_02.shtml 
99. 《广东省人民政府外事办公室网》 2003年8月26日。国务院令第47号“外国记者和外国常驻新闻机构管理条例”
100. 《清华大学网》 “抗‘非典’记事”。2002年11月16日 佛山庞先生发病确切时间是2002年11月16日晚,第一次住院时间是11月20日,…目前他为时间上可追溯的第一例非典(SARS)患者。3月12日,世界卫生组织正式发出一些地区出现急性呼吸系统综合症这一流行病的全球警报。3月13日,香港各媒体纷纷以头条新闻报道,称香港爆发肺炎。部分报章更是使用了“夺命肺炎袭港”、“夺命变种病毒亚洲扩散”、“肺炎失控,医护人员大恐慌”等标题进行报道。
101. 《中国驻匈牙利共和国大使馆网》2003年4月3日。中国卫生部长答中外记者问“非典型肺炎疫情已经得到有效控制”
102. 《大纪元时报》2005年7月21日“SARS与退党”作者:陈彦宏
103. 《网》2003年6月11日消息 “蒋彦永:人民利益高于一切!”
104. 《新浪网》“北京:‘非典’时期的典型过程(二)”
105. 《长城在线》(河北省人民政府新闻办公室网站)2003年9月12日“创新思路天地宽”
106. 《长城在线》(河北省人民政府新闻办公室网站)2004年11月26日报道“省委宣传部副部长、省政府新闻办公室主任相金科在河北省首期新闻发言人培训班结业仪式上的讲话”
107. 《新华网》2005年1月18日 记者田雨。“在国务院新闻办公室的安排下,新华社、人民日报、中国国际广播电台、中新社、香港文汇报、美联社和CNN等中外媒体联合组成的采访团,于18日在郑州监狱采访了王进东、刘云芳,以及自焚事件组织者之一的薛红军。”
108. 《大纪元网》2005年2月12日讯“法轮功质疑中共和美联社幕后交易”
109. 《南方网》2001年2月7日 “大量迹象显示西方记者参与了法轮功‘自焚’事件”
“刘淇:学习宣传贯彻十七大精神 开创宣传思想工作新局面”
111.《北京之春》2002年5月30日 “改变法国现代中国观的西蒙莱斯”作者:(法国)陈 彦。西蒙莱斯的《毛主席的新衣》、《中国阴影》和《想象的破损》三部书称为中国的“绕不开的基石”,改变法国现代中国观。 http://bjzc.org/bjs/bc/109/87
112.《人民网》“李丹:给世界人民讲中国故事(1)采访者:王永亮 蓝澜。 
117.《国家广播电影电视总局》田进:2001年10月任国家广播电影电视总局副总编辑;2003年8 月任国家广播电影电视总局党组成员、副总编辑;2004年8月任国家广播电影电视总局党组成员、副局长。
118.《国家广播电影电视总局网站》2007年8月 王太华
“在全国广播影视局长会议上的讲话” 王太华(2008年1月27日)
120.《全国翻译资格考试培训网》2004年12月23日  “关于我们”中国外文局教育培训中心
121. 杨正泉简介:1993年4月调任中央对外宣传办公室副主任、国务院新闻办公室副主任兼任中国外文出版发行事业局局长、党组书记。2001年7月任中国人权发展基金会常务副会长、中国人权研究会副会长。党的十五大代表,第十届全国政协委员、政协外事委员会副主任。“杨正泉:风雨人生尽显传媒韬略(1)”
127.《人民网》2001年9月18日“多彩而无垠的文化大陆—’99巴黎中国文化周侧记” 作者:杨学锋 牛廷涛
129.《“中法互办文化年·上海”官方网站》“《北京——巴黎之夜》中法演艺明星手拉手 [图文]”
130.《人民网》 2005年11月20日“上海外国语大学新闻传播学院副院长郭可发言”
131.《新浪网》2003年10月13日报道 “试论我国对外传播中国际受众心理研究” 作者:郭可
132.《中国网》2005 年10 月26 日“‘中法文化年’带给我们什么?”供稿:《对外大传播》杂志  作者:陈伟源,外国专家局资深编辑
133.《江苏监狱网》2004年3月22日“人权理论禁区是怎样突破的——我的一段不寻常的出版经历” 作者:四川人民出版社编审汪弥(瀰)
134.《中国网》《人民日报》 2004年3月15日 作者:董云虎
136.《中华人民共和国外交部网》2000年11月7日 中国政府签署《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》
139.《南方网》2003年10月10日“充分发挥优势 加强网络外宣” 国际在线网负责人张弘在“2003中国网络媒体论坛”上发表的论文
如:《中华人民共和国驻加拿大大使馆网》、《中华人民共和国驻旧金山总领事馆网》、《中华人民共和国瑞士联邦大使馆网》、   《中华人民共和国驻悉尼领事馆网》、《中华人民共和国驻新西兰大使馆网》、《中华人民共和国驻匈牙利共和国大使馆网》等等。
142.《中国互联网络信息中心》2003年11月14日“新闻网站建设与发展” 国务院新闻办公室
143.《传播学论坛网》转自:香港《中国传媒报告》 (China Media Reports) 2003年第1 期“传媒全球化时代的国家安全 ——从国际战略的视角看媒体的跨国境传播”(新华通讯社副总编辑,高级记者夏林)
Friday, 01 August 2008
An Investigation Report on the CCP’s Foreign Propaganda System Making Ideology Infiltration and Spreading Hatred and Lies Among the International Communities
(July 29, 2008 updated)
1. The CCP’s Global Foreign Propaganda Strategy………………………………………………………………3
1.1 Spreading the CCP’s Propaganda Abroad and the International Strategy………………………………….4
1.2 The Officials Who Are in Charge of Foreign Propaganda Tried to Avoid the Word “Propaganda”………5
1.3 The Key United Front Objects That Foreign Propaganda Organizations Should Target…………………..6
1.4 Policies on How to Influence Foreign Media through Business Operations……………………………….7
1.5 Implementing Spokesperson System to Unify Statement…………………………………………………10
    1) Confusing Concepts and Equating the CCP with China………………………………………………...11
    2) Information Blockade……………………………………………………………………………………11
    3) Chinese Communist Regime Instigates People’s Hatred towards Falun Gong and Implements Genocide
    Policy against Falun Gong………………………………………………………………………………….12
    4) Creating a False Façade to Avoid International Criticism………………………………………………13
2. The Expansion of the CCP’s Totalitarian and Dictatorial Ideology to the World…………………………….13
2.1 The CCP’s Main Overseas Propaganda Media and Their Global Coverage……………………………...14
    Xinhua News Agency’s Goal: “Bring the Earth under Its Control”………………………………………..14
    China News Service Is the Main Source of Information for Media in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and
    Overseas Chinese-Language Media………………………………………………………………………...14
    China Radio International’s (CRI) Programs Cover the World……………………………………………15
    CCTV-9 Broadcast Reaches 98% of the Earth’s Surface…………………………………………………..15
    CCTV-4 Programs Basically Reach the Entire World……………………………………………………..15
    People’s Daily’s Overseas Edition Is Circulated in Over 80 Countries and Regions……………………...16
    China Daily Is Circulated in Over 150 Different Countries and Regions………………………………….16
    20% of the Hits on the CCP Central Committee’s Mouthpieces Came from Outside of China…………...16
2.2 Reinforce Overseas Propaganda via Western Media……………………………………………………..16
3. Establishing the Global Ideology United Front with a Variety of Styles and Means…………………………19
3.1 Infiltration through Radio, Film, Video, Books, Magazines and Comprehensive Cultural Exchange
    Propaganda toward Foreign Countries via Film and Video………………………………………………   20
    Foreign Propaganda through Publications………………………………………………………………….21
    Cultural Exchange………………………………………………………………………………………….22
3.2 To Defeat the Criticism on Human Rights by “International Anti-China Forces”, the CCP Raises the
Banner of Upholding Human Rights………………………………………………………………………….23
3.3 Developing the Internet, Opening up New Channels for Overseas Infiltration…………………………..25



The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has considered the theory of Karl Marx, a native of Germany, as “the fundamental guiding ideology for founding the country and the party”. [1] After the CCP seized the power by armed force and violence in 1949, under the banner of “progressing” from “private ownership” to “public ownership”, [2] it blatantly extorted privately owned money and wealth and quickly brought the entire national resource under its control. In addition, the CCP decided to make the so-called “progression” from “private ownership” to “public ownership” its fundamental task during its transitional period [3] and had this decision written in the first constitution [4] drafted by the CCP. Later on, it put Marxism-Leninism and the CCP’s dictators’ wills into the second Chinese Constitution as the “guidance” for the Chinese people of all nationalities, [5] and then instilled it to all Chinese people and forced them to betray the great heritage of Chinese traditional culture and the traditional morality. During the CCP’s despotic rule of over fifty years, 80,000,000 Chinese people have died of unnatural causes. [6] To counteract the international communities’ reactions, the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee (which is called the Information Office of the State Council to the public) was established as the CCP’s highest government body for coordinating its overseas propaganda. Its task is to make media outlets responsible for overseas propaganda follow the CCP’s will in their campaign of “introducing China to the world”, disseminate the CCP’s ideology abroad, influence the public opinions and diplomatic polices of the Western countries, and lead the world media to cater to the CCP’s needs.


In the early times, the CCP’s main foreign propaganda channel was its mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency. In December 1955, Mao Zedong, then the head of the CCP, ordered Xinhua News Agency to “bring the Earth under its control” and “to send its reporters to the different regions in the world as soon as possible and to disseminate its own news”. [7] By that time, the CCP had already shown its ambition of unifying the world with its ideology. Based on this goal, the overseas propaganda organs, each of which had “done things in its own way”, were brought under the unified leadership of the Foreign Affairs Group of the CCP Central Committee in August 1958, and the group leader was Chen Yi, then the Vice Premier of the State Council and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. [8] On June 4, 1989, the CCP crushed the students’ democratic movement through military force, which resulted in the world-shocking “June 4” Massacre. The CCP was strongly condemned for the massacre by the international communities, including the overseas Chinese people. [9] In July of the same year, the top leaders of seven countries, including the United States, France, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada, as well as the Chairman of the European Community held a meeting in Paris, and declared sanctions against the CCP; the sanction measures included ceasing the top-level political contacts with China, postponing the World Bank loans to China, etc. [10] At that time, the international environment underwent dramatic changes: the destruction of Berlin Wall, the fall, in succession, of the communist governments in East Europe and of the Soviet Union; in addition, the international human rights movement was at its peak. Under this general background, the CCP patriarch leader Deng Xiaoping proposed a foreign policy of “hiding our capacities and biding our time, [11] and waiting for the right time to come to make huge accomplishments”, aiming at cheating the international communities into lower their guards and executing his strategic plan of letting China accumulate forces and then dominate the world later. To foster a “good” image, walk out of the predicament, and step up its propaganda and infiltration to foreign countries, the CCP established, in January 1991, the Information Office of the State Council, as the highest body for coordinating its overseas propaganda works. [12] In March 1993, the Information Office of the State Council and the Foreign Propaganda Group of CCP Central Committee, which shared one work unit under two nameplates, were listed directly under CCP Central Committee and are controlled directly by the Party. [13] In the same year, the Foreign Propaganda Group was renamed as Foreign Propaganda Office. [14] All provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities that are directly under the Central Government have also set up their own corresponding Foreign Propaganda Office (or Information Office). [15]
In March 1998, the CCP reinstated that the Information Office of the State Council and the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee are still one work unit with two nameplates and are under the direct leadership of the CCP Central Committee [16]. In April of the same year, Zhao Qizheng, then Deputy Mayor of Shanghai, was promoted to the director of Foreign Propaganda Office [17]. But this office is still called the Information Office of the State Council to the public, so as to have an even more strategic ideology infiltration through means of providing information, making foreign contacts, helping the spreading of the media, serving as a liaison, etc. Besides the Secretary Bureau, which is in charge of documents management and administrative affairs, and the Personnel Bureau, which is in charge of personnel management and training for its affiliated branches, there are seven other bureaus established directly under this office, [18] and each of the bureaus has its own function while sharing the same goal -- to spread the CCP’s intentions abroad.
On July 20, 1999, the CCP and Jiang Zemin declared their suppression of the populace who believe in “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”. Jiang said, “How could it be possible that Marxist theory, the materialism and atheism believed by our Communists would not be able to defeat Falun Gong's teachings?” “If indeed that was the case, wouldn't it be a big joke?”[19] This time, the CCP learned the lesson of being sanctioned by the international communities after the “June 4” Massacre in 1989, and it also put into use its knowledge of torturing people and the cruel means that it has accumulated over its history of near one hundred years. In the persecution of Falun Gong populace, the CCP has gradually changed from an overt way to a covert way, so the persecution has appeared to be even more deceiving to the public. Over the nine years, the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee has been actively following and participating in the persecution; it has used many means, such as holding press conferences, having culture exchanges, using internet, radio, and television, publishing books and other materials, etc., to spread the lies to the international societies so as to defame Falun Gong, incite people to hate Falun Gong, justify the crimes that the CCP has committed against Falun Gong practitioners and use various means to make the international communities keep silence in front of the large-scale, genocidal persecution against people’s belief.
This report consists mainly of the investigation findings regarding how the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee (interchangeable with the Information Office of the State Council) has used various foreign propaganda channels to disseminate its communist despotic ideology and carry out the persecution of human rights.

1. The CCP’s Global Foreign Propaganda Strategy

The CCP’s foreign propaganda can be considered as a gunpowder-free warfare that is carried out in the Post-Cold War era. It attacks on the Western democracy initiated by the remaining communist dictatorship. In cooperation with its Global United Work Front Strategy, the CCP's goal is to gain supremacy in ideology control over the Western society. For example, Zhao Qizheng, the director of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee has considered the CCP’s foreign propaganda as an “undertaking of winning over public opinions” and a “struggle”. Zhao said, “During this struggle, [we] need to make best use of the favorable opportunities, actively launch the campaign, favorably control the warfare, try to take preemptive measures, and try to dominate the overseas media. Our goal is to have the overseas media follow our steps. … We need to actively promote China to the United States and other important Western countries so as to guide the world media; this needs not only a higher mastery of the art, but also a unified overall strategy. It should be even more so that we intentionally allocate our resources to the important regions and countries, make a full play of our strengths, focus on important aspects, make unremitting efforts, so as to make breakthroughs in those important countries, targets, and media, etc.”[20]

1.1 Spreading the CCP’s Propaganda Abroad and the International Strategy

After the “June 4” Massacre in 1989, Jiang Zemin, then the General Secretary of the CCP, said, “Foreign propaganda is a work of winning over public opinions,” and “Doing well in foreign propaganda is a work of strategic significance to our party and nation.” [21]
On February 26, 1999, in the CCP’s National Conference of Foreign Propaganda, Jiang Zemin, who appointed himself to represent the CCP and the State Council, conveyed the greetings to those involved in the work of foreign propaganda, and acknowledged that they have made “good achievements” in helping the CCP foster a “good image” and “improve the external environments of public opinion”. He also pointed out that the foreign propaganda was “a work of strategic significance, and the CCP Central Committee has always considered it very important”, and that it needs to put great effort in promoting the “tremendous achievements” that the CCP had made during the fifty years after it came into power; it should “obey and serve the Party’s overall strategy”, obey and serve the “overall foreign strategy”, and should definitely “focus its effect on enhancing the foreigners’ understanding and supports”. [22]
In the end of October 1999, before his state visit to France, Jiang Zemin was interviewed by the chief editor Alain Peyrefitt of a French newspaper, Le Figaro, for a written report. Jiang took advantage of the opportunity and personally proclaimed Falun Gong as an “evil cult”, [23] and thus set the tone for the CCP’s mouthpieces to defame Falun Gong. This unified statement is still being used up to now.
In March 2000, Guo Jingzhe, the Editor-in-Chief of China Radio International (CRI), when sharing his anti-Falun Gong understandings in the area of foreign propaganda work, said, “Whoever can first let people know the important news in the world, will win over more people, and otherwise, will lose the people. The timing effect of the news is for sure not just a pure technique issue, but also a political one that is concerned with our competing with the Western media for readership and audience. …When reporting China’s exposing and denouncing ‘Falun Gong’ to the foreign countries, we (initially) just copied what had been used in China, and used some specific technical terms, and as a result, we had great difficulties in letting the foreign people understand and accept it. Later, when we clearly pointed out that ‘Falun Gong’ was an evil cult in our foreign propaganda, the foreign people immediately understood and accepted it. This is helpful to win over the international public opinion…” [24]
On January 25, 2000, the National Conference of Foreign Propaganda was held in Beijing. In the conference, the director of Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee and Information Office of the State Council, Zhao Qizheng gave a summary talk. He required attendees to “actively express China’s opinions, according to the changes in the international public opinion. The personnel in the field of foreign propaganda need to do more research, make plans, explore and learn the rules; and improve the efficiency to do better job.” The officials from all over the country, who are in charge of foreign propaganda in their respective regions, the officials and spokesmen from the CCP Central Committee and other offices under the state council, and some officials from Chinese embassies and consulates attended the conference. [25]
From January 13 to 15, 2001, the National Conference of Foreign Propaganda was held in Beijing. In the conference, the director of Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee and Information Office of the State Council, Zhao Qizheng emphasized that “(we should) create a favorable international atmosphere for public opinion, according to Jiang Zemin and the CCP Central Committee’s requirement on foreign propaganda.” [26]
In 2003, the deputy chief editor of Xinhua News Agency, Xia Lin said in an article titled “The Power of the Mouthpiece” that “information is a kind of strategic resource. Whoever has the control of information source and media—international radio, satellite TV and internet, will have the power to influence the whole society, and is able to take over the dominant and preemptive position in the battle of ideology.” [27]
In 2004, in a speech at China Foreign Affairs University, the director of Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee, Zhao Qizheng also mentioned the issue of “taking over the dominant and preemptive position”. He said, “Media reports may not be 100% objective.” “Whoever has the dominant position in reporting, will get the support and understanding from the international community and the public, thus will have the preemptive opportunities.” “The so-called dominant position means to have others believe in your opinion and news. The propaganda as a strategic weapon in the fields of politics, foreign affairs, economy and commerce has been used by every country and played an important role in history.” [28] On May 13, 2004, in a speech at Tsinghua University, Zhao Qizheng said that “global propaganda” is one of the overall tasks in CCP’s strategic view. It is the “soft power” and “an important component of our nation’s composite power.” [29]
On September 2, 2004, in the celebration of 60th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency Launching International English Broadcasting, the head of the Propaganda Department of the CCP Central Committee, Liu Yunshan required Xinhua News Agency to “focus on the task of making itself accepted and referred by the media in the countries and regions who have important influence on international public opinions and play important roles in international community” and “do research on and make plans for each country and area one by one.” He also required Xinhua News Agency to strengthen contacts with mainstream media in foreign countries and try its best to “enlarge the global coverage”; “expand our occupation on the battlefield of international public opinion;” when reporting the hot issues and important events inside and outside China, Xinhua News Agency needs to “be in the leading position, preoccupy people’s view, and take the initiative of influencing and leading the international public opinion.” [30]

1.2 The Officials Who Are in Charge of Foreign Propaganda Tried to Avoid the Word “Propaganda”

In 2004, the research group of “Research on efficient foreign propaganda” of Xinhua News Agency claimed that “The media outlets in charge of foreign propaganda can do many things in the struggle with foreign public opinion regarding the sensitive issues such as human rights, Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, the argument that China is a global threat and the issue of Falun Gong, but we must conduct things according to the rules of information dissemination, and need to pay attention to the art and strategy of propaganda.” [31]
In the same year, Zhao Qizheng talked about how he “introduces China to the world” in a speech at China Foreign Affairs University. He said “when people asked me what task we have in the future, my reply was to ‘introduce China to the world’. I didn’t use the word ‘propaganda,’ because it could well be a derogatory term. What we need to introduce to the world? It’s to explain China’s policy, to counter attack on China. It is as simple as that. We have a variety of (propaganda) methods to choose from.” [32]
In July 2005, the deputy director of the Information Office of the State Council, Qian Xiaoqian [33] was interviewed by reporters from Hong Kong Wenweipo. He mentioned that he doesn’t use the word “propaganda” in the work of Tibetan issue, of which he is in charge. Instead, he uses “Introduce Tibet, Introduce China” to explain Tibetan issues. He thought by using the word “introduce” the propaganda effect is “the most powerful and most convincing.” [34]
Out of the same concern, in Chinese official documents, the English translation for the propaganda department was changed from “Propaganda Department of the CCP Central Committee” to “Department of Publicity”; and for the same reason, “International Communication Office of the CCP Central Committee” became the official translation to replace “Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee”.

1.3 The Key United Front Objects That Foreign Propaganda Organizations Should Target

The research group of “the research on efficient foreign propaganda” of Xinhua News Agency believes “The main targets of foreign propaganda should be the and upper class in the countries, including politicians, people in business circles and intellectuals because they control either the political or the economic power and have the influence on the ideology and public opinion of those countries. Our media outlets responsible for foreign propaganda should focus on the mainstream media in the countries. Based on our own features and characteristics, we should enhance the communications and collaboration with them. Especially, we should make friends with the famous people in foreign media. We should have intimate relationship with them, and do well the work of foreign propaganda with their help.” [35]
“Moreover, overseas Chinese and Chinese students studying abroad are another group of people deserving attention from overseas propaganda departments… Presently, there are over tens of millions of overseas Chinese and Chinese students studying abroad; many of them have become part of the mainstream society, sometimes even quite influential elites. Foreigners generally learn about China through overseas Chinese. Therefore, overseas Chinese bridge China and the outside world in a unique manner.” [35]
In the speech at China Foreign Affairs University, the director of Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee, Zhao Qizheng claimed, “We also have communication with foreign media. We have very close relationship, not only with the big guys like Ted Turner, but also with Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Reuters, the biggest publishing house in France, and German company Bertelsmann — the biggest publishing house in the world.” Zhao Qizheng also gave an example to show how he convinced Ted Turner, the founder of CNN to take off the footage of a young man standing in front of a group of tanks and trying to stop them from advancing in the Tiananmen Massacre event, which CNN had been using as news header with other footage. Zhao said, “Turner asked me ‘Is CNN good?’ and I answered ‘no.’ He then asked why. I said ‘in the beginning of your hourly news, there are a lot of footages of important international political events, and in one of them, a Chinese young man stood in front of tanks during the Tiananmen Square event. You have been showing this footage for 10 years.’ He said, ‘not just us. All TV stations broadcast the footage this way.’ I said, ‘it is just you. Other people stopped long time ago.’ He, then, said to the manager of department of international news who was next to him, ‘Why are you still showing this footage? There are similar events in America, too. You will see how I will punish you.’ Then I said ‘sentence him to death penalty with a reprieve and let him correct himself.’ At that time, I thought that Turner was joking, but later I heard that he really punished that manager and also deleted that footage.” [32]
China News Service, which is the national news press in China in charge of the foreign propaganda, organized “World Chinese Media Forum” in Nanjing between September 16 and September 18 in 2001. It is said that 150 high-ranking officials and 130 overseas Chinese media outlets from more than 30 countries and regions attended the conference. There were also over 60 Chinese media outlets inside China attending the conference. The officials, who are in charge of propaganda and “unified front” at each level of CCP, attended the conference and gave speeches. The topics of the forum included “What role overseas Chinese media should play and how they should position themselves?” “How can overseas Chinese media and the media in China enhance the communication between each other?” etc. The attendee discussed intensively and gave suggestions on the propaganda strategy about how to create a favorable international public opinion under the lead of CCP’s ideology. [36]
In 2003, the deputy head of the Unified Front Department of Huizhou City CCP Committee in Guangdong Province, Huang Qiongji said, “We need to take full advantage of being next to Hong Kong and Macao geographically, and enhance the connections with media in Hong Kong and Macao. We need to do better to make friends with the and upper class people in those media, and strengthen our effort in reforming them. We should focus on the communication with “four newspapers and two journals” in Hong Kong and Macao. We need to build up the good connections with the mainstream media.” Also, he asked to enhance the “unified front” and propaganda work to the foreign visitors. He said, “More and more foreigners will come to China for business or tour. We need to organize more activities to make friends with foreign investors, experts and foreign students studying in China.” [37]

1.4 Policies on How to Influence Foreign Media through Business Operations

Huang Qiongji, head of Department of Unified Front of the Huizhou City CCP Committee, advocates, “maximize effort to incorporate the unified front and foreign propaganda work into mainstream Western society…incorporate unified front and foreign propaganda work into economic exchanges; at the same time we should strengthen our contact with foreign media, especially the communication with the mainstream media in the US and the industrial groups of seven Western countries, pay attention to keeping up friendly relations with foreign media personnel stationed in China and having a deep friendship with them; sponsor some friendship-promoting activities in an organized manner…and through them create a front for overseas propaganda and expand the sphere of unified front and overseas propaganda work.” [37]
On September 23, 2003, during the 2nd World Chinese Media Forum, Liu Zepeng, head of China News Service gave good publicity of the policy of “borrowing a boat to go overseas,” which was, by having media inside China directly provide a special edition for overseas Chinese newspapers, disseminate China’s propaganda to foreign countries. He claimed that, “Right now, foreign media are vying for a spot in the Mainland China market, and they have enjoyed tremendous success,” and he further enticed that, “overseas Chinese media should take advantage of this situation and seize the opportunity…take advantage of your geographic affinity and seek development and business opportunities for your media while helping the Mainland Chinese media enter the world.” [38]
Wu Yurong [39] a Ph.D. graduate of the “scientific socialism” major from the Party School of the CCP Central Committee proposed in 2002, “overseas media, especially some transnational media corporations are in fact commercial institutions, and their ultimate goal is to make money. That being the case, we can restrict and influence overseas mainstream media through commercial regulations, for example, by adjusting business relationship with western media corporations, limiting or approving these corporations’ business activities in China or buying their stock to influence the decision makers of these corporations.” Wu Yurong also listed some examples of success, “During the mid 1990s, we made News Corp. end its anti-China BBC ‘World TV’ programs by allowing it to develop satellite TV in China; and by restricting “Disney” commercial activities we effectively suppressed Disney’s participation in the production of programs aiming at secession of Tibet.” [40]
In 1993, Rupert Murdoch, board chairman of News Corp. bought 63.6% shares of Hong Kong’s Star TV stock with 525 million USD (he bought the rest of the stock in 1995) [41]. Soon after that, he announced, “Star TV has constituted an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes in the world.” Within weeks after he made the speech [42], on October 5, 1993, China’s State Council published “Provisions on the Administration of Ground Receiving Facilities for Satellite Television Transmissions,” which stated, “individuals are not allowed to install or use satellite ground receiving equipments,” “local TV stations, cable TV channels and broadcast stations are all prohibited from transmitting overseas satellite TV programs.” [43]
In order to gain more market share in Mainland China, Murdoch changed his standing and tried to be in the CCP’s good graces. First, he firmly ousted BBC, which angered the CCP for broadcasting documentaries on the human rights condition in China [44]; on March 25, 1996, Star TV, 100% owned by News Corp., founded Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd. along with two Chinese companies. [45] The two Chinese companies are Today’s Asia Ltd. and Huaying International Corporation Ltd. Today's Asia Ltd. is under the management of formal high ranking official of the Central People’s Broadcasting Station, Liu Changle [46] (who is currently the chair of Board of Directors for Phoenix Satellite TV); and Bank of China owns Huaying International Corporation Ltd.. Phoenix Satellite TV began broadcasting on August 28, 1998.
On August 21, 1999, the Chinese News & Entertainment Channel (CNE), the London-based European broadcasting service of Phoenix Satellite TV began broadcasting officially in Europe, with coverage of 25 European countries.
On January 1, 2001, Phoenix InfoNews Channel and Phoenix North America Chinese Channel were officially launched. Phoenix Satellite TV successfully landed in the US, for which the CCP media claimed that “it marks that Phoenix Satellite TV has, to a significant extent, covered the whole globe.” [47]
In March 2001, James Murdoch, executive vice chairman of News Corp., son of Rupert Murdoch slanderously called Falun Gong “a dangerous and apocalyptic cult” during a business conference in Los Angeles, USA. He also accused some Western media and Hong Kong media for being enthusiastic about making negative reports on China. [48] After the news got out, many CCP media including the Legal Daily [48], the Liberation Daily, People’s Net [49], and China News Net (run by China News Service) [50] quickly followed it up and publicized his statement. However, according to a VOA report, “Some human rights activists think that James Murdoch said these things to please the Chinese government.” [51]
On March 28, 2002, Star TV under Star Group Limited [52] solely owned by News Corp. was allowed to broadcast on Guangdong cable TV network. This is the first time the Chinese government allowed a foreign TV channel to broadcast via Chinese cable TV network. The condition is that News Corp. assists CCTV-9 to land in the US and Europe. Rupert Murdoch said it’s “a milestone for the development of News Corp. in China” and “the beginning of greater success in China.” [53] News Corp. also stated in its statement that Xu Guangchun, director-general of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) pointed out that News Corp. should have greater opportunities to grow in China, which is “encouraging.” [54]
The CCP official reports said, “The secret of success for News Corp. is to seek common points with the Chinese government and build a trusting relationship through long-term collaboration.” [53]
Between October 7 and 11, 2003, Rupert Murdoch and others from News Corp. were invited by the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee (Information Office of the State Council) to visit China. On October 8, Rupert Murdoch was invited by Zeng Qinghong [55], principal of the Party School of the CCP Central Committee to “give a speech to high-ranking CCP officials in charge of ideological affairs.” Professor Yu Guoming from the School of Journalism, People’s University of China described Murdoch’s speech as “compiled through painstaking efforts and filled with flattering words,” from which he could “deeply sense” the speaker’s “desire and anxiety” to enter the Chinese media market. “Aside from Murdoch’s attempt to seek material gains,” however, “many arguments in the speech are poignant and accurate, and they are especially inspiring for us to understand the true value of the media industry.” [56] On October 9, Li Changchun, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee in charge of propaganda met with Rupert Murdoch, board chairman and executive of News Corp. and his group at the People’s Great Hall. Li Changchun expressed his hope that News Corp. “will make greater effort to help the world learn about China and China about the world.” [57]
One year later, on October 28, 2004, SARFT and the Ministry of Commerce jointly published Decree No. 44, [58] “Provisional Rules for Administration of Joint Ventures and Cooperative Enterprises of China and Foreign Countries Producing and Operating Radio and TV Programs”, which took effect on November 28 the same year. The Rules include “enterprises solely owned by foreign venture for making and operating TV broadcasting programs are not permitted,” “the legal representative must be appointed by the Chinese partner,” “the Chinese partner must own no less than 51% of the total stock in a joint venture,” “joint venture enterprises must not make programs on current affairs and political news or similar special feature programs or special column programs,” among other strict rules.
On March 4, 2005, SARFT issued a “Notice on Administering Decree No. 44,” [59] which emphasized that the production of TV programs has a strong “ideological nature,” and [the government] must be “in control of the content,” be aware of the political inclination and background of the foreign partner to prevent “unhealthy foreign ideology and culture from entering the field of program making in the form of joint-venture.” The CCP media soon released news, stating, “This means Sony, Viacom, News Corp. and other foreign film and TV moguls that have already had joint-venture plans in place in China will not be able to expand their film and TV making business within a short period of time.” [60]
On July 13, 2005, Tian Jin [61], deputy head of SARFT emphasized during a national overseas work meeting, “To intensify and strengthen radio, film and television propaganda overseas is the critical requirement to oppose (combat) westernization, separation, infiltration; safeguard state security, strengthen the defense system on the battle ground of public opinion control…the CCP Central Committee and the State Council have always paid close attention to the administration of overseas satellite TV. The Central Committee leaders have given numerous important instructions…We must ensure all satellite TV signals in the jurisdiction area from permitted foreign sources come from the central monitoring platform. This is an inflexible yet simple and clear standard for judging the administration level of various film and TV departments on their control over foreign satellites.” [62]
In August 2005, Beijing officially canceled its plan to allow Murdoch’s News Corp. to expand its broadcasting in various parts of China. [63] On September 19, Bloomberg.com published an article “Murdoch Says News Corp. Has Hit ‘Brick Wall’ in China,” which mentioned that during a New York meeting organized by former US president Clinton, Murdoch admitted that New Corp.’s plan to enter Chinese market was in trouble. He also mentioned that the CCP authorities made promises before but again shut their doors on foreign media corporations. It seems Murdoch has yet to understand that the CCP always wants to unify the world with communist ideology and “bring the earth under its control;” [7] it will only try to “expand its occupation on the battlefield of international public opinion,” [30] and there is no way that the CCP will ever give away the media front.
The true lesson News Corp. has learned is just as the Economist reported, “a decade spent investing time and money to build relationships in China seems to have done Mr. Murdoch little good. Having milked Star TV for its technical expertise, the Chinese [the CCP regime] may well feel they no longer need him.”[64]

1.5 Implementing Spokesperson System to Unify Statement

Since 1993, the Foreign Propaganda Office (the Information Office of the State Council) has been in charge of the press release of the State Council and the coordination of press spokespersons from different departments of the State Council. On December 28, 2004, Zhao Qizheng, head of the Foreign Propaganda Office officially announced that the three-tier news release and spokesperson system had basically been established in the Chinese government. It refers to the news release and spokesperson system of the three tiers, which are the State Council Information Office, various departments of the State Council and the provincial governments. [65]
Obviously, the CCP set up the press spokesperson system in order to, through press release, more effectively give unified statements in their propaganda, cover up human rights abuses, fabricate lies, instigate hatred, and at the same time block any information detrimental to the CCP “good” image.

1) Confusing Concepts and Equating the CCP with China

Spokespersons for Chinese embassies and consulates abroad have long been twisting facts and confusing right and wrong. Whenever there are people criticizing China’s human rights situation and condemning the brutality of the CCP, they would slanderously accuse them of being “anti-China” forces. Here are two examples:
Case 1: On January 16, 2001, Professor Zhang Kunlun, who holds dual citizenship of Canada and China, said during an interview with Canada TV that he returned to China to teach in April 1996. [66] After July 20, 1999, he was arrested many times and cruelly tortured because he practiced Falun Gong. Chinese police officers shocked him with high-voltage electric batons. Zhang Kunlun said, “One police officer with the surname of Zhang said, ‘If you practice Falun Gong, we don’t have to take any responsibility for you. If you are beaten to death, we can tell the public that you have committed suicide.’” Zhang Kunlun was forced to attend brainwashing classes and write repentance statements to renounce his belief. He was also extorted 10,000 RMB Yuan. [67] Two days later, the spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Canada attacked Zhang Kunlun’s press conference and slanderously accused the Canadian government, NGOs, the Canadian people and the international community that showed support to Professor Zhang of “stirring up a new wave of anti-China campaign and damaging the relationship between China and Canada.” [68]
Case 2: On January 28, 2005, the press spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Australia made a speech, in which he called the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party “anti-China articles.” The Nine Commentaries expose how the Communist Party has brutalized the Chinese people and destroyed Chinese culture during its 56-year rule; he also labeled Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts in clarifying the truth and exposing the genocidal persecution of belief by the CCP as “instigative anti-China activities;” he slanderously called Falun Gong, “a counter-revolutionary organization engaging in political activities against China.” [69]

2) Information Blockade

On November 23, 2003, based on the “Notice on improving and enhancing news reporting of unexpected domestic incidents” from the CCP Central Committee Office and the General Office of the State Council, China Ministry of Justice issued Document Sifatong [2003] No.135, entitled “Instruction on reinforcing the propaganda work in justice and administrative system.” It was emphasized in this document that “the judiciary organizations of all levels must strictly follow the requirements of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee and the Information Office of the State Council when it comes to reporting unexpected domestic incidents towards outside of China.” “You must take the initiative to report the unexpected incidents to your local CCP Committee, the propaganda departments of local government and your superior judiciary and administrative organization right away. Then you must ask for and follow their instructions on how to report these incidents. As a rule of thumb, you do not publicly report any unexpected incidents occurring within any judiciary or administrative system, mainly including major accidents at production plants, judiciary or human rights issues, the situation of critical prisoners and ‘Falun Gong,’ etc.” [70]
On June 27, 2005, the Propaganda Department of the CCP Committee at North China Electric Power University issued a memo titled, “the regulations of reporting unexpected incidents occurring at North China Electric University.” Three regulations are specified in the memo; “First, based on the verified instructions on our news reporting and the school leaders’ orders, we have created news reporting regulations and started to closely watch and manipulate the public opinions inside and outside the campus. Second, every news broadcast script must be reviewed and approved by the university CCP Standing Committee or by the university’s leaders before it can be published. Third, without the approval of the university’s upper management level, the following unexpected incidents must not be reported, e.g. incidents that involve foreign embassies and consulates in China, foreign diplomats, foreign students; incidents that involve Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan; major incidents that involve Chinese ethic groups, religion, human rights or “Falun Gong;” and group incidents that involve ‘illegal rallies,’ student movements, riots or other types of group incidents.” [71]
After the big earthquake of magnitude 7.8 hit Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province at 2:28 pm on May 12, 2008 Beijing Time, four report planning meetings were held in China News Service on the same day and the day after. “Reporting guideline was sent out three times, requesting branch offices in the disaster zone to follow the message of Central government, so as to report in concert with headquarter and other offices both inside and outside of China.” “The China News Service re-published news on Central Politburo Standing Committee Meeting twice in time, and also reprinted the important articles from media with authority such as People's Daily and Xinhua New Agency, etc. Key data like casualties were released following instructions strictly and sensitive issues were handled with cautions.” [72]
According to the Central News Agency correspondent Ren Wenyi's report from Taipei on June 16, 2008, a human rights advocate Huang Qi from China's Sichuan Province was arrested in Chengdu on June 10. His mother Pu Wenqing was notified on June 16 that Mr. Huang was charged with “holding state secret illegally” and would be in detention for one month. Ms. Pu said that his son went to distribute relief goods after the Sichuan earthquake. “He stayed in the disaster zone everyday and never came out.” Yet it was unbelievable that the authority accused him of holding state secret unlawfully. Some media reported that Huang Qi's arrest was due to his statement about grievance of the parents whose children died in the earthquake because of poor quality school buildings. [73]

3) Chinese Communist Regime Instigates People’s Hatred towards Falun Gong and Implements Genocide Policy against Falun Gong

In order to justify its ruthless persecution against Falun Gong, Chinese Communist Regime has to instigate people’s hatred towards Falun Gong by making vicious lies to vilify Falun Gong. The following example is a good illustration of one of CCP’s many forms of hate propaganda: After 263 Falun Gong practitioners have been verified to have been persecuted to death in China, Falun Gong practitioners in San Francisco started a peaceful appeal on August 18, 2001 in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco for 265 consecutive hours to urge China to end its ruthless persecution and to urge the world’s help to rescue those Falun Gong practitioners under illegal custody and under the threat of death. [74] On August 27, 2005, the spokesman for the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco made a public speech to convey their rage towards Falun Gong practitioners’ public appeal. Moreover, he made false accusations that Falun Gong has caused 1,700 of its practitioners to die and caused countless families to fall apart.” [75]
On July 22, 2002, Mr. Xie Feng, the China news spokesperson in the U.S. urged the international society to “condemn,” “stop,” and “eradicate” Falun Gong in a press conference. [76]
4) Creating a False Facade to Avoid International Criticism
On March 30, 2004, Information Office of the State Council published a white paper titled, “China’s Human Rights Improvements in 2003.” It says, “The local people’s governments of all levels nationwide have started to have or improve their news spokesperson system so as to improve the Chinese people right to know the truth, to supervise the government and to participate in public affairs.” [77] But the truth is that the truth about China’s June 4 Massacre of college students at Tiananmen Square in 1989 or the truth about CCP regime’s persecution against Falun Gong has never once been reported in any media in China as a result of the CCP’s persistent control of all news reports. When a dictatorial regime tries to perfect its news spokesperson system, it has only one purpose --- to tighten its grip on information and speech. Since 1991, Information Office of the State Council has published eight white papers on China’s human rights conditions in an attempt to build a false impression to avoid international condemnations on its long lists of human rights violations. [78]
According to the news report by Xinhua Net, the CCP’s official mouthpiece, on March 30, 2005 about People’s Daily (Overseas Edition) interview with Mr. Zhao Qizheng. Zhao said, “Every month mainstream Chinese and western media outlets receive several invitations from China’s Information Office of State Council to press conferences in China. Almost all the issues they are concerned about, such as Taiwan issue and macroscopic economy in China, are covered by these press conferences.” [79] In a reply to the question raised by a China Net reporter, Mr. Zhao said, “AP’s top reporter in Beijing told me that the contents from the Information Office of State Council’s press conference are all their headlines news.” [80]
2. The Expansion of the Chinese Communist Party’s Totalitarian and Dictatorial Ideology to the World
According to the news report by China Guangzhou Net on August 26, 2005, “For the past few years, the CCP and our country have been emphasizing overseas propaganda’s positive effects on opening up our market, winning the international battle against antagonist forces, and winning the diplomatic battles. The Central-level overseas propaganda newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations and news agencies alone spend about several billions RMB Yuan every year (1 USD @ 8.2 RMB Yuan). All the provinces, cities and autonomous regions have also started to pour more manpower, resources and money into reinforcing their overseas propaganda.” [81]
CCP has six main overseas propaganda media including Xinhua News Agency, China Radio International, the Chinese Central Television’s international Chinese channel (CCTV-4), the international English channel (CCTV-9), China News Service (CNS in short) and People’s Daily’s overseas edition. Allegedly, “the Central-level media websites have become increasingly influential. They have become an important force of overseas propaganda.” [82] Meanwhile, the United Nation has long ago included the news released by Xinhua News Agency as one of its main sources of reference materials.” [83]
The CCP has secretly weaved an extremely huge “network” in front of people’s eyes both inside and outside of China, through their effort of “hide one's capacities and bide one's time”[ 11] in over a dozen years, the CCP’s ideology is now expanding and infiltrating to the outside world through this “network.”

2.1 The Chinese Communist Party’s Main Overseas Propaganda Media and Their Global Coverage

Xinhua News Agency’s Goal: “Bring the Earth under Its Control”
As of the end of 2002, Xinhua News Agency’s news reports supplied over 140 countries and regions and had about 5,000 overseas subscribing households. Some overseas mainstream media outlets are among its subscribers. They include the U.S.A. Today (U.S.) and Science magazine (U.S.), France’s Le Figaro (France) and Paris Match (France), BBC (U.K.) and Daily Telegraph (U.K.) and Pyramid newspaper (Egypt). [82]
In 2007, the news products of the Xinhua News Agency were expanded to over 200 countries and regions. Overseas subscribers increased to over 14500; and special editions were offered to overseas readers in five languages including Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Indonesian. On average, there were 120 pages and more than 3000 articles printed each month. [84]
Xinhua News Agency claimed, “Xinhua News Agency’s articles and photographs are transcribed about 1,000 times in overseas media daily.” “Half of the news reported from AP, AFP and Reuters’ China branch offices are transcribed from or are based on Xinhua New Agency’s reports. The majority of overseas Chinese newspapers are subscribers of Xinhua News Agency.” “Xinhua News Agency’s reports are an important source of information for foreign media’s branch offices in China, as well as overseas journalists stationed in China.” [82]
According to Mr. Tang Runhua, Head of Xinhua News Agency’s Research Institute, “In order to enhance the effectiveness of our overseas propaganda, Xinhua News Agency established a strategy to use domestic news reports in our main overseas propaganda. In 2004, 72% of our English reports were transcribed by foreign media and among them, 79% were China news report.” [85]
In October 2007, at the 17th CCP National Congress, Xinhua News Agency was emphasized again as the “main propaganda channel to the outside world”. In order to enhance its capability of influencing world opinion, vice chief editor Liu Jiang of Xinhua News Agency proposed to “make China News as the breakthrough of broadcasting to the outside world, and to make the Asia-Pacific region as the major battlefield of competition with the main western media.” Considering the media effect on public, Liu Jiang said that “timely reporting is the key to form the influence power of a media”, and he claimed that “in 2007, Xinhua News Agency's international news were faster than three main western media AP, Reuters and AFP with close to 200 pieces of first release report, and more than 220 pieces were faster than two of those three news agencies.” [86]
China News Service Is the Main Source of Information for Media in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese-Language Media
China News Service (CNS) is the main source of information for media in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese-language media. [80] CNS claimed that they had directly supplied articles to overseas Chinese-language media for 55 years. With the strong support from CCP government, CNS will play even bigger and more active role in foreign propaganda arena, and will continue leading the overseas Chinese-language media. [87] CNS supplies word and photo reports to 300 overseas Chinese-language media each day, and has contract with 40 overseas Chinese-language media to provide them with exclusive CNS news. Each year, CNS provides 8000 page layouts to about 20 overseas Chinese-language media. [88]
CNS Overseas Center is a professional news supply and layout agency under CNS for overseas Chinese-language media. According to CNS, it has been “in powerful function” in terms of “solid implementing China's foreign propaganda policy” since its establishment in 1996. In the end of 2002, the center started to provide original news comments and exclusive news reports to be published on various newspapers. Especially for its special column of “Current Affair Talk”, the center has formed a news comment team and released one article per day in the past five years. Altogether they have produced 1460 articles, which were all adopted on Chinese-language media in New York and Los Angeles, and selectively used in Saint Paul, Paris, Vancouver and other areas. [89]
On October 11, 2006, CNS vice chief editor Xia Chunping visited the US Asian Culture Media Group in New York. He also signed article-supply contracts with several media underneath it including China Press USA (Qiao Bao), SinoVision Inc., Sino American Times, etc. [90]
China Radio International’s (CRI) Programs Cover the World
China Radio International (CRI) broadcasts around the world in 43 different languages. By the end of 2006, more than 1100 total hours of programs were aired daily and covered the whole world. CRI has established 30 reporter stations globally in major countries and regions. [91] It has contracts with local radio stations or rents hours at local radio stations in more than ten different countries and regions. In addition, it has formed partnerships with radio stations and TV stations in many countries and regions around the world to which it sends over programs for broadcasting. [92]
CCTV-9 Broadcast Reaches 98% of the Earth’s Surface
CCTV-9, CCTV's English channel is China's first TV channel targeting mainstream audience in foreign countries. Since its start on September 25, 2000, after five years of development, it has become CCP's English mouthpiece, broadcasting 24-hour per day globally. [93] Its signal, after digital compression, is aired through PanAm Satellite (PAS) 8, 9, 10 and AsiaSat 2 and 3S over the land and ocean in Asia, Australia, Africa, America, Europe, west Pacific Ocean and Middle East. It is then broadcasted through many different forms of partnership with cable TV stations in countries in these regions. [92] For example, CCTV-9 formed a partnership with News Corp. to have its programs broadcasted in its Fox Cable Network and Time Warner Cable Network in the U.S. [80]

CCTV-4 Programs Basically Reach the Entire World

CCTV-4, a Chinese-language TV channel, targets overseas Chinese and residents in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. It broadcasts news programs around the clock. Its signals, after being digitally compressed, are broadcasted through many satellites. Basically, CCTV-4 has achieved its goal of reaching almost the entire globe through transmitted satellite signal and its primary regions through the directly broadcast satellite signal. [94]

People’s Daily’s Overseas Edition Is Circulated in More Than 80 Countries and Regions

People’s Daily’s overseas edition is the CCP Central Committee’s official newspaper. [95] It is one of the five CCP’s main media for overseas propaganda. [96] Its readers are overseas Chinese students and scholars, overseas Chinese and residents in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Besides China, it is also printed in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, Toronto, Sydney, Jakarta, Surabaya, etc. It is distributed in over 80 countries and regions around the world. [78]

China Daily Is Circulated in Over 150 Different Countries and Regions

China Daily is China’s first nationwide English newspaper. Its readers in China are foreigners staying in China, e.g. foreign diplomats in China, foreign business corporations in China, foreign news agencies’ offices in China, foreign scholars and experts working in China and foreign tourists visiting China. Its readers outside of China are government officials, scholars conducting research on issues regarding China, business and trade organizations and college libraries. In New York, London and Hong Kong, it publishes its North America version, European version and Hong Kong version, respectively. It is circulated in over 150 countries and regions around the world. [97]

20% of the Hits on the CCP Central Committee’s Mouthpieces Came from Outside of China

People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Radio International, China Daily, China Internet News Center and CCTV publish or broadcast news reports in many different languages. According to statistics in 2004, 10% of the hits on their websites came from outside of China. [80]
In 2007, total 7801 Mbps Internet bandwidth was connected to the major CCP central-level websites, which provide 930 news channels and 13817 special news programs. The readers were from more than 200 countries and regions. Out of over 100M page views everyday, 20% were from outside China. Among those websites, with 9 languages and 11 editions, China Net has become the main window of CCP's foreign propaganda. [98]
China Radio International's “CRI Online” is published in 42 languages and 48 phonetics over the Internet. According to incomplete statistics, close to 15000 websites world-wide have linked to the homepages of “CRI Online”'s various language editions. [91]

2.2 Reinforce Overseas Propaganda via Western Media

At the same time when Chinese Communist regime strengthened its overseas propaganda via its mouthpieces, in order to control foreign journalists in China to ensure that their reports do not go beyond the scope of the CCP’s regulation, China’s State Council issued Document No. 47 as early as January 19, 1990 – “Regulation stipulations on Foreign Journalists and Foreign Media Outlets in China.” It was specified in this regulation that “Foreign journalists must get approval from foreign affairs departments, foreign affairs offices in governments at provincial, municipal and regional levels, prior to their planned interview with governmental departments or other work units, regions adopting ‘open-up’ policy or regions not yet opened up. Violation of the regulation will result in punishment of the responsible person(s) by Chinese public security organs based on the seriousness of the violation.” [99] Correspondingly, Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee established Bureau One, which was, Information Bureau “to provide service for foreign journalists for interviews inside China” at the same time. [18] Let’s take a look at how Chinese Communist regime provides such “service” for foreign journalists through the following examples.
After the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in November 2002 in Guangdong Province, the Chinese Communist regime tried its best to cover up the real situation of the epidemic; as a result, China lost the opportunity to take precautions and preventions against SARS. In March 2003, SARS spread to different countries via Hong Kong. [100] On April 6 of the same year, Pekka Aro, an International Labor Organization official, died from SARS in Beijing. However, three days before his death, Minister of Public Health, Zhang Wenkang stressed again at a press conference for domestic and foreign reporters that “the epidemic has been under effective control” and “it is safe to work in China, to live in China and to travel in China.” [101] On April 8, Dr. Jiang Yanyong, a surgeon of the military hospital, 301 Hospital, wrote to the U.S. journal TIME to expose the fact that China’s Ministry of Public Health was covering up the true situation of SARS, cheating the public and international society. [102] Mr. Jiang became the main focus of global media the next day. Phone calls came in one after another from AP, Deutsche Presse Agentur and Agence France-Presse, trying to arrange an interview with Mr. Jiang. In the evening of that day, officials of 301 Hospital personally talked to Mr. Jiang and reminded him, “You cannot accept interviews by overseas journalists, as this is the rule set for military personnel.” [103]
On April 10, WHO publicly criticized Beijing’s epidemic reporting policy: “In Beijing, only a few hospitals report SARS cases on a daily basis. The tracking system is problematic. It will lead to the spreading of the disease.” [104]
On May 7, three journalists of TIME who learned that Ministry of Public Health of China and SARA Prevention and Treatment Teamwork Group of WHO would investigate in Hebei Province in mid-May, went to Guancun Town of Gu’an County in Langfang City, Hebei Province to interview local peasants and took pictures. As soon as Bureau of Foreign Propaganda of Langfang City heard it, officials from the bureau rushed to Langfang City and “rejected their interview” with the excuse that these journalists “didn’t go through due procedures.” In the morning of May 8, two journalists of a Swiss newspaper arrived at rural area of Zhuozhou City directly from Beijing, the staff of local foreign affairs department in Zhuozhou City, after being informed, followed them for two hours and eventually terminated their interview activities. [105]
On May 21, Party Secretary of Hebei Provincial CCP Committee, Bai Keming received a report on “Foreign Journalists Violates Regulations and Goes to Hebei Province to Interview.” He called Zhao Qizheng, director of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee. He expressed his viewpoints in this matter, “We may loosen our restrictions and allow foreign journalists to come to Hebei Province for interviews. We may show them the places they are allowed to see and let them report on how local officials help to prevent and treat SARS.” The Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee then passed the words to Department of Propaganda of Hebei Province CCP Committee. According to Xiang Jinke [106], vice head of Propaganda Department of Hebei Province CCP Committee and Director of Information Office of Hebei Provincial Government, “With the direct support from the Bureau One of the Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee, we made immediate plans to invite foreign journalists to come to Hebei Province and conduct interviews on how we prevent and treat SARS in our province and our detailed treatment plans. The Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee helped us invite fairly influential foreign media such as Associated Press Television News of the U.S., Reuters, Agence France-Presse and Asahi Shimbun of Japan… In addition, Foreign Propaganda Office arranged journalists from Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, CCTV and China Radio International to come along with foreign journalists. They took pictures for future reference.” The place of the interview was designated to be Baoding City, because “In mid-May, Ministry of Public Health of China and SARA Prevention and Treatment Teamwork Group of WHO were conducting investigation in Baoding City, the city has relatively good facility and condition for receptions.” [105]
On May 27, at noon, Party Secretary of Hebei Provincial CCP Committee Bai Keming gave an explicit instruction on how to prepare materials for the interview and how to answer questions from the journalists. He said, “Be sure to be prepared to answer all kinds of questions, including questions unfriendly in nature… When answering their questions, keep calm.” Zhang Qunsheng, member of standing committee of Hebei Provincial CCP Committee and Head of Propaganda Department in Hebei Province convoked a meeting for all officials involved in different aspects of SARS prevention to study the instruction by Bai Keming.
In the morning of May 28, Deputy Director of Bureau One of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee, Guo Weimin led the journalists group and arrived in Baoding City. Allegedly, “when the journalists entered the province, leaders of foreign propaganda bureau of provincial and municipal levels were the only people leading the team at the entrance of highways,” and “with meticulous planning and careful implementation, the journalists were allowed to ask any questions and were able to stroll around and conduct interviews freely… All these impressed foreign journalists as well as media outlets from central government favorably. Many media gave extensive coverage of the interviews in Baoding City.”
Xiang Jinke, Vice Head of Propaganda Department of CCP Hebei Provincial Committee and Director of Information Office of Hebei Provincial Government, learned a great deal from whole planning of the interview. He said, “Inviting foreign reporters to interview us is an undertaking with heavy political and strategic connotations…. From the beginning to the end, Bai Keming, Party Secretary of Hebei Provincial CCP Committee was the general scheme planner and director; Zhang Qunsheng, member of standing committee of Hebei Provincial CCP Committee and Head of Propaganda Department of Hebei Province, was responsible for the detailed implementation.” “As long as we take full advantage of our conditions to control public opinion and to be smart in using foreign resources, make constant breakthroughs in our notions, methods, schemes, and formalities, we will have immense potential in areas of foreign propaganda.” [105]
This is only one of the numerous examples wherein Chinese communist regime takes advantage of foreign media in its overseas propaganda. In January 2005, Chinese communist regime re-publicized the so-called “Tiananmen Self-immolation” incident. “With the arrangement of Information Office of the State Council, a journalist team composed of reporters from Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, China Radio International, China News Service, Hong Kong Wenweipo, Associated Press, and CNN interviewed the survivors of the “Self-immolation” incident at Zhengzhou Prison on January 18.” [107] Soon after that, Associated Press published a report on the interview of “Self-immolation” survivor. Through the words of the interviewee, the report repeated CCP’s lies and slanders defaming Falun Gong. This report has been transcribed by many overseas media. [108]
When the Chinese Communist regime staged the “Tiananmen Self-immolation” incident in 2001, an information source from inside the Ministry of Public Security revealed that “On the eve of Chinese Lunar New Year (January 23, 2001), after the self-immolation incident occurred, policemen detained six or seven journalists on the spot who are reporters for CNN, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse stationed in Beijing. The police impounded their videotape and negatives, and requested them to sign a statement to admit they had conducted illegal interview and would never make the same mistake again. They were released afterwards.” [109] Four years later, when the Chinese communist regime made special arrangement for AP journalists to interview “self-immolation” survivor, the way AP journalists were treated and their behavior were completely different from four years ago.
In early 2008, Liu Qi, Politburo member of the CCP Central Committee, Party Secretary of the Beijing CCP Committee, chairman and the CCP Group Secretary of the Beijing Olympics Organization Committee, spoke about the foreign propaganda work related to the Beijing Olympics. He demanded that “CCP committee and government of each level should pay high attention to it. And the leaders of each level should learn how to deal with foreign media.” “We should make full use of the Olympic News Center and the Olympic News Center for non-registered reporters. Through the forms of press conference, special topic exhibition, and foreign reporter group interview, etc.”, enlarge the propaganda scale. “Serve and manage well of foreign reporters during their news coverage period inside China. We should enhance the interview route system, such as select interview sites purposefully, make thorough transportation plan and various other plans... initiate interview topics, arrange interview activities, prepare news materials, and so on. Really improve our abilities of interaction with foreign media.” [110]
The famous Belgian Sinologist Simon Leys (his real name is Pierre Ryckmans) wrote in his book Chinese Shadows: “Things being what they are, it seems to me that the feeblest hack should be able to write a report on China…without leaving his desk…[If] he actually decided to look at China for himself…He would make the same tours with that same guides, sleep in the same hotels, visit the same institutions, meet the same people who would tell him the same things…always conforming to an unvarying and unreal ritual…belonging to an abstract world conceived by Maoist bureaucrats especially for foreign guests…In the tours for foreign visitors, always superbly organized, anything that might be unpredictable, unexpected, spontaneous, or improvised is ruthlessly eliminated…Yet most travelers who ‘do’ China in this way…look favorably on their experience. There is plenty of variety in the trips and the days are more than full.” (Chinese Shadows, By Simon Leys, New York: Viking Press, P1-2) [111]

3. Establishing the Global Ideology United Front with a Variety of Styles and Means


3.1 Infiltration through Radio, Film, Video, Books, Magazines and Comprehensive Cultural Exchange Activities



In September 2003, China Media Group (CMG) CCP Group member, the Director of China Radio International (CRI), CCP CRI Branch Committee secretary Li Dan stated during his interview by reporters, “During the Cultural Revolution, our international broadcasting (which was called ‘Radio Peking’ before the 90s) exported revolution. Most of the feedbacks from our audiences came from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc. They were all carrying out revolutions at that time, so they all listened to our broadcasting on a daily basis for guidance on their revolution undertaking. Our program hosts became stars in their countries.”
Li Dan believed that, “The most significant advantage of China Radio International was the ability to penetrate border blockade under any circumstance, such as during war time, both sides definitely will take actions to block messages from opposing side penetrating into their own controlling territory, this is the so-called information blockade. Under such circumstance, television would need cable or satellite dish to be able to reach local audience, printed media could no longer be promulgated, except through air drops; as far as Internet is concerned, it could be completely sealed off through technical means. Yet, radio broadcasting could not be stopped, even with jamming, it can adjust its frequencies, therefore it has significant mobility, flexibility and broad space for maneuvering.” [112]
In September 1974, based on the bilateral cultural exchange between China and Canada, Li Dan was sent to study in Canada by the China Radio International. He said, “I did in-depth research and investigation on the western news broadcast. I started doing research also on our own news broadcast theory and practice. Based on the need and characteristics of our work, we planned to promulgate our propaganda in the form of news reporting.”
In 1984, Li Dan went to Stanford University in the U.S. as a visiting scholar. It was reported that the “Professional Journalists Project” Unit at Stanford University provided a hefty sum of scholarship, and Li Dan was representing China, so it was counted as on official business but self financed. Li Dan told reporters, “After a year, because we need to study and understand how U.S. Congress works, I transferred to the School of Communication at the American University in Washington D.C. I focused my main effort to practice news covering at the U.S. Congress, and I had fairly thorough understanding on the internal situation, internal channels, public rules, relationship between the Congress and the news media.” “I felt that I truly permeated into the cells of the American society, thoroughly and acutely understand the American social and inter-personal relationship.” [113]
I returned back to China in 1986, and mainly focused on how to achieve our goal in disseminating our propaganda to foreign countries through news broadcast.” [114]

Propaganda toward Foreign Countries via Film and Video

On April 15, 2004, the Foreign Propaganda Office of the Tianjin City CCP Committee (Information Office of Tianjin City Government) established the implementation details for the “Intensification of effort on propaganda toward foreign countries). This included “Consolidate resources of the entire city on propaganda toward foreign countries, establish inter-departmental cooperation mechanism for Foreign Propaganda, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, Foreign Tourism, Culture, Taiwan Affairs, and Overseas Chinese Affairs, form a unified structure for the Foreign Propaganda. Make the focal point of Foreign Propaganda in sync with seeking overseas business and capital investment, as well as possible infusion of capital, technology and human resources.” “Make Europe, America, Northeastern Asia, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan as our main objective,” “Fully utilize the video and film supply channel that we have established with the world renowned CNN (US), strengthen the topic selection criteria and policy, further improve the quantity and quality of supplied footage.” [115]
On February 2, 2005, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) announced and issued the “Focal Point (Guidelines) on Radio, Film and Television Propaganda for 2005.” The focal points included “Improving the style, methodology, means for the foreign propaganda, fully consider the needs and custom of the overseas audience….significantly broaden the undertaking to push foreign propaganda of radio, film and television to the worldwide arena, execute all the details well to ensure the propaganda become an integral part of the local culture, accelerate the exchange and cooperation on a worldwide basis for our radio, film and television.” [116]
On July 13 of the same year, Tian Jin, a member of the CCP group at the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and deputy director of the Administration [117] emphasized at the National Conference on Overseas Radio, Film and Television Effort, “Intensify and strengthen radio, film and television propaganda overseas is the critical requirement for anti-westernization, anti-separation and anti-infiltration; safeguard state security, strengthen the defense system on the battle ground of public opinion control….Radio, film and television propaganda overseas is an essential and critical part of our Party’s foreign propaganda, and it is a global and strategic undertaking to serve the Party and the Nation.” [62]
On January 27, 2008, Wang Taihua, vice Head of the Propaganda Department of CCP Central Committee, secretary of the CCP group at the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and director of the Administration [118] made a speech at the National Conference for Directors in Radio, Film and TV System: “The primary political task in our system at present and in a later period of time, is to study further, propagate and carry out the main spirit of the 17th CCP National Congress... embed the core socialism values into various aspect of our work...hasten our steps to go outside... continue close cooperation with the work of foreign affairs, foreign aid and foreign propaganda...extend coverage in key nations, neighborhood countries and areas... actively explore the localization strategy...solid enhance the focus and effect of foreign propaganda.” [119]

Foreign Propaganda through Publications

China Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration, semi ministry organization, is under the CCP Central Committee and is directly led by the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee (the Information Office of the State Council). It is said that it is “a news publication agency that is mainly responsible for the Party’s and nation’s mission of foreign propaganda by means of books, periodicals and the Internet. China Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration has a history of more than 50 years.” [120]
Yang Zhengquan [121], Deputy Director of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee, and Director and Party Group Secretary of the China Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration said, “Over the past 50 years, China Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration published and distributed nearly 1.1 billion copies of books and periodicals. They have been distributed to over 180 countries and regions of the world. They have contributed to the introduction of the new-born People’s Republic (of China) to the world.” [122]
In 1994, China Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration specifically started a new journal International Communications, which was alleged to be a journal “taking the study and promotion of foreign propaganda as its responsibility” and “exploring the art of disseminating the image of China and seeking the channels to reach the whole world.” Its readers are “personnel of media outlets in charge of foreign propaganda, China’s foreign propaganda professionals at central governmental, municipal and county level, all foreign affairs professionals in different ministries of the CCP Central Committee, faculty and students in the areas of foreign propaganda at universities, state level foreign affairs professionals.” [123]
Yang Zhengquan also said, “Doing a good job in the foreign propaganda through books and periodicals is the focus of the Administration. Books and periodicals are one of the main measures of conducting foreign propaganda.” “Dedicated to the promotion of Marxism, to the promotion of the socialism with Chinese characteristics,” “Creating a good environment of international public opinion, upholding the interest and maintaining the security of the country, are the fundamental purpose of our doing foreign propaganda.” [122]
In October 2004, Yu Yongzhan, Vice Director of General Administration of Press and Publication of People’s Republic of China, commented during an interview with a journalist that to carry out the strategy of internationalizing China’s publication activities “is a pressing political task...In the case of underdeveloped countries and regions and with the foreign propaganda publications that are highly political, we may use the non-trading approaches more often. In the case of developed countries and general publications, we may more often use economic trading approaches…Copyright transfer and co-publication should be the basic ways to internationalize China's publication activities." [124]
In late July 2005, Information Office of the State Council, and General Administration of Press and Publication jointly distributed a circular entitled “How to Implement the Plan of Promoting Chinese Books to the World”. The circular says, the Information Office of the State Council will provide financial assistance to foreign publishing agencies for their translation work when they purchase or are given free copyrights from domestic publishing agencies. [125] On August 30, Wu Wei, deputy director of the Third Bureau of the Information Office of the State Council said at the 2005 Beijing International Publication Forum, “Based on the success in financially assisting the French Publishing House to publish Chinese books, (we) timely introduced the Program to Popularize Chinese Books Abroad (also known as the PPCBA Plan).” Its main content is “by way of providing the translation fee, encourage foreign publishing businesses and agencies to publish and distribute books about China. [126] According to official reports in Chinese media, “Up until the 2nd half of 2004, our government has signed contracts with nine famous publishing agencies in six countries including US, UK, France, Singapore, Japan and Australia to provide about two million RMB Yuan of financial aid to help publish more than 110 types of Chinese books."[125]

Cultural Exchange

On September 1, 1999, the 1999 Paris-China Culture Week co-sponsored by the Foreign Propaganda Office of the Central CCP and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) held an opening ceremony at the lawn in front of the headquarter of UNESCO. According to Chinese official media, “One of the major planners of this event, the director of the Information Office of the State Council, Zhao Qizheng was very satisfied with the outcome of this culture week… Zhao also answered questions raised by the French audience, including questions on reformation of Chinese state-owned enterprises, construction of market economy, unification of Taiwan and Mainland China, reformation of Chinese characters, the current status of news and press in China, the economical and cultural exchange between China and France, the construction of Three Gorges Dam, as well as outlaw of ‘Falun Gong’ organization in China.” [127]
Between August 24 and September 17, 2000, “Chinese Culture Touring America,” an event engaged in foreign propaganda was launched in the US. The Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee planned and organized this event, which was comprised of three parts: exhibition, art performance, and keynote speech. During the nearly one-month-long event, the Chinese cultural organizations visited nine major US cities. The Chinese official media claimed, “This event is China’s first successful trial in disseminating our propaganda to foreign countries by means of public relationship.” [128]
On October 28, 2003, CCTV and Association of Overseas Chinese in France jointly hosted an entertainment evening party “hand-in-hand.” The Chairman of Association of Overseas Chinese in France, Lin Jiazhe said in his open speech that he was very excited to have the opportunity to be part of the Chinese Cultural Year activities. He praised the CCTV to be “spiritual food for overseas Chinese in France.” [129]
In October 2003, Vice President of College of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai International Studies University, Guo Ke [130] wrote in his published paper, “the Information Office of the State Council spent a huge amount of money worth of 5 million dollars to launch various events in major US cities, which was meant to build public relationship. It has gained pretty good propaganda outcome.” [131]
On May 13, 2004, the director of the Foreign Propaganda Office of the CCP Central Committee, Zhao Qizheng stated in his speech at Tsinghua University, “Our global propaganda needs to get close to the cultural background and needs of the foreign audiences. It needs to be conducted through multiple channels in parallel: press release, newspaper, book, radio, television, internet, cultural exchange as well as foreign propaganda from the effort of our entire population.” When Zhao Qizheng talked about “cultural exchange,” he said, “No one could say no to culture or cultural exchange. We must reinforce cultural exchange.” [29]
On October 26, 2005, editor of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Chen Weiyuan wrote in his article “What the ‘Chinese-French Cultural Year’ Had Brought to Us,” “The success of the Chinese-French Cultural Year is quite an inspiration for our overseas propaganda work. Taking the approach of cultural exchange in overseas propaganda will have a far-reaching and lasting effect and will be well received by the audience… Culture is a ‘soft’ component of our nation’s power. Cultural diplomacy is a ‘soft’ dissemination of our nation’s will. Compared with economical diplomacy and political diplomacy, cultural diplomacy is able to have our audience unknowingly accept (our propaganda). Such cultural infiltration through subtle influence cannot be underestimated. [132]

3.2 To Defeat the Criticism on Human Rights by “International Anti-China Forces,” the Chinese Communist Party Raises the Banner of Upholding Human Rights

After the CCP seized the power and established its regime, for a long period of time, “human rights” in China was a taboo word for theoretical discussion. People dared not mention the two words “human rights.” Wang Mi, an editor in Sichuan People’s Publishing Company, said, “To regard human rights as a patent exclusively inherited and owned by the capitalists society restricts us from actively participating in human rights areas in the Untied Nation and is not beneficial to our fighting against human rights attacks from Western countries. During the late 80s and early 90s in the last century, western countries directed their human rights attacks against China immediately after the collapse of Soviet Union and East Europe at the end of the cold war. Facing with strong attacks against Chinese human rights issues, Jiang Zemin and other CCP central leaders requested specifically the initiation of studies in human rights issues in order to respond to and counter the attacks.” [133]
On March 15, 2004, Dong Yunhu [18], the Director of Seventh Bureau of the Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee, said in his article published in People’s Daily, “During the late 80s and early 90s in the last century, dramatic changes occurred in Soviet Union and East Europe. The international hostile forces enhanced their anti-China attacks on “human rights” issues. To fight against their human rights attack, the CCP Central Committee with General Secretary Jiang Zemin being the kernel leader summarized the practice of human rights development in modern China and the world, and re-studied human rights issues. From an angle of struggle against overseas forces, they raised and provided clear answers to the issue of whether the socialist China should raise the banner upholding human rights. In 1989, Jiang Zemin and other central leaders clearly pointed out, ‘We need to make it clear to people that our democracy is the broadest democracy of the people, and the socialist China is most respectful to human rights.’ From then on, human rights have become a key point of Chinese propaganda towards foreign countries.” [134]
In Oct. 1990, Overview of the International Human Rights Covenants edited and written by Dong Yunhu and Liu Wuping who were teaching at the Party School of the CCP Central Committee was officially published. Dong stated that the book was originated from a human rights study project that he conducted, which the CCP Central Committee had assigned to him in response to the need to fight against overseas forces.” [133]
Wang Xuexian, Deputy Director of the International Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was responsible for Human Rights Affairs, once said, “From January to March this year (1991), I attended the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva. This book provided me with an important theoretic foundation and a fighting tool. …It supplied us who have been engaged in the struggling for the foreign affairs, especially for the international human rights area with a sharp weapon.”
On March 21, 1991, CCTV broadcast the same content in “the News Line” and “the Evening News,” “Theoretically, this book totally and systematically made a clear basic distinction from the viewpoints of human rights between the Marxism and the Capitalism. It applied the basic standpoint, views and ways of Marxism to analyze and discuss the historical development of the concept of human rights.” [133]
Wang Mi, who took part as the on-duty Editor of the Overview, claimed, “On November 1, 1991, the Foreign Propaganda Office (Information Office of the State Council) published China’s first human rights white paper “The Chinese Human Rights Status.” …in front of the whole world, the human rights banner was raised up in a bold and assured manner.” Dong Yunhu, who partook in the white paper drafting, was one of the chief draftsmen. In the same year, the Party School of the CCP Central Committee made an exception, promoting him as an Associate Professor; three years later, another exception was made for him, he became a Professor of the Party School. [133] In October 1995, he was promoted to the Director of the Human Rights Research Office of the Foreign Propaganda Office, and in June 1997, he was advanced as the Director of the Seventh Bureau of the State Council Information Office and concurrently held the post as Vice-Chairman and General Secretary of the China Human Rights Research Association. [135]
In October 1997, Chinese government signed “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” On October 5, 1998, at the United Nations headquarters, Qin Huasun, the Chinese Ambassador to the UN, signed “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.” [136] Nine months later, the CCP regime launched a large-scale persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.

3.3 Developing the Internet, Opening up New Channels for Overseas Infiltration

On January 1, 1997, the website for the governmental foreign propaganda, China Internet Information Center (China Net), established by the Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee became an important platform for the CCP in its overseas news report. [137] In May of the same year, the Information Office of the State Council passed down “The Notices on Using the World Wide Web to Unfold Overseas News Propaganda (Office Document [1997] No. 1),” which stipulated that “Information Office of the State Council in using the World Wide Web to develop overseas news propaganda uses categorical management, and plans the coordination of news propaganda entering the World Wide Web (referred to as entering the web hereafter) on the whole.” “News propaganda work units entering the web must submit applications to the Information Office of the State Council for examination and approval.” “The content of Internet news propaganda designed for overseas in every news propaganda work unit must uniformly enter the web through the CCP Central Committee’s foreign propaganda information platform and cannot enter the web by oneself through other means, even less so, can it enter the web from overseas.” [138]
On May 9, 2000, the Propaganda Department and the Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee passed down the “Compendium for the World Wide Web News Propaganda Enterprise Development (2000-2002).” This document brought forth the guiding tenet and the purpose in constructing the enterprise of Internet news propaganda. It also confirmed the first group of important news propaganda websites - China Internet Information Center, People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Radio International (CRI) and China Daily [126] - as the backbone. Together with the “interlinking of CCP Central Committee’s various news propaganda websites, the CCP Central Committee and local news propaganda websites and overseas consulates and embassies,” they form an “intimate collaboration of World Wide Web news propaganda system.” Search engines of China’s World Wide Web news propaganda system only allow visitors to search news propaganda domain names and information contents that are approved by the Foreign Propaganda Office, and offer directories and navigation services. “China Net, CRI Online and China Daily websites handle the major responsibilities of foreign propaganda.” [139]
On May 10, 2000, The Center for International Communications Studies of Tsinghua University hosted a “News Promulgation in the Internet Age” seminar. Information Office of the State Council Director, Zhao Qizheng said, “China entered every era late by several decades or even a century, but in entering the Internet age this time, it is not late. Instead, it is almost at the same pace as Europe and the U.S. Furthermore, each year, our Internet users have been growing at a rate in between 200% to 400%.” [140]
Starting from March 25, 2002, the Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee (Information Office of State Council) published the so-called “Falun Gong Memo” in those anti-Falun Gong columns of almost all overseas embassies’ websites, fabricated news to slander Falun Gong, and carried on the brainwashing propaganda toward people outside China to instigate hatred. [141]
On November 14, 2003, according to the information publicly released by research investigator Huang Fengwu, from Fifth Bureau [18] of the Foreign Propaganda Office: [142]
As for China Daily Website: “the number of news reports increased from average 200 scripts daily in July 2000 to average more than 800 daily in 2001.” “China Daily Website not only publishes news on its own website, but also has agreements to provide news for nearly ten media agencies or organizations including Reuter, the England Financial Times, Dow Jones, DATATIMES, China InfoBank, Asia information, Channel NewsAsia and others. These agencies and organizations reprint our news every day. With the aid of their global influence, their publication channels, and promotion channels, we have achieved ‘Borrows other’s ship to go out to the sea’.” “More and more overseas people have taken the China Daily Website as an important channel to obtain news and information about China.”
As for Xinhua Net, his comment was: In 2001, “When publishing news report in guiding readers to study General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important theory of the “Three Representatives,” and to expose and denounce Falun Gong, Xinhua Net and Xinhua News Agency’s Domestic Section, Photograph Section put joint effort in reporting those topics, and their reports are influential, the number of scripts is huge. It has an important impact at home and abroad. Many scripts were not only reprinted by domestic media frequently, but also cited by overseas Chinese and western mainstream media. It led to very good propaganda outcome.”
China Radio International website was praised as follows: “In 2001, based on its own characteristics, China Radio International was clear about its role as a radio station reaching out to overseas audience without leaving domestic broadcast behind. It established both Chinese and English homepage; in additional, it opened seven foreign languages channels. It played an important role in broadcasting important events such as the grand scene of the conferences of National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and in exposing and denouncing Falun Gong.” [142]
In 2003, the vice-chief-editor of Xinhua News Agency, senior reporter Xia Lin published an article in “Chinese Media Report “ (1st issue of 2003), he claimed, “State Development Planning Committee gave 75 million RMB Yuan as the initial investment to the fundamental development of five important media agencies’ propaganda websites. Ministry of Finance gave a certain amount of annual operation fund to five propaganda websites of China’s mainstream media. With the support of Ministry of Information Industry, the Foreign Propaganda Office of CCP Central Committee, on behalf of the CCP Central Committee’s seven media websites, signed the agreement with China Telecom Group and got 50% discount of usage fee for telecommunication lines. To increase the transmission to overseas, according to the same policy, five important propaganda websites of China mainstream media signed the contract with Genuity Corporation in the U.S, and installed a mirror website with 100M bandwidth in the U.S. After the website was launched, the page-view from the overseas jumped 2 to 3 times.” [143]
Numerous investigation results from World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) show that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a clear and strategic plan in its overseas propaganda serving to infiltrate the communist ideology. The main targets for the CCP’s brainwashing scheme include and upper class in their countries, such as people in political circles, business circles, journalism professions, scholars, and overseas Chinese, “because they control either the political or the economic power and have the influence on the ideology and public opinion of those countries.” [35]
The Chinese Communist Party fully destroyed traditional culture of Chinese people and forcibly instilled communist ideology into all nationalities in China. The CCP has thus committed the largest spiritual persecution in human history. This report is aimed at prompting the international society to become alert and realize the fact that because the Chinese Communist Party’s crimes mostly are committed inside China, and the CCP fully controls the information at home and blocks the information abroad, the societies both at home and abroad can hardly know the truth. When the CCP camouflage the communist fallacy with Chinese characteristic and infiltrate it to foreign countries by means of cultural exchange and news reports, people are brainwashed unknowingly. Wherever the communist ideology successfully infiltrates, degeneration and moral corruption is inevitable. Under the brainwashing propaganda of the CCP, in front of material interests and temptation that has become the commonly used leverage by the CCP, people’s desire for material well-being are constantly growing and they are gradually losing the sense to distinguish between right and wrong and the moral strength to uphold justice. In the long run, there will no longer be justice in the society; nor will there be righteousness in the human world. The fatal detriment brought forth by the so-called “communism with Chinese characteristic” (translator’s note: this is a term coined by the CCP to justify all the policy changes it has made which are different or absent from the original Marxism) to the morality and civilization of mankind, to world peace and advancement, is being and will be verified by history all over the world.
1. China Net, July 1, 2001 news of Xinhua News Agency, “Comrade Jiang Zemin’s Speech in the Conference of Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.” http://www.tsmc.edu.cn/www/gljg/xcb/4-1-1.htm
2. People’s Net, Citing from the CCP History Research, 6th issue, 2001. “Liu Shaoqi’s General Political Line during the Transitional Period”: The CCP Central Committee held a work meeting on issues about transforming industry and commerce of capitalism into that of socialism. CCP Committee representatives from all provinces, cities and autonomous regions attended the meeting. Liu Shaoqi, chairman of NPC Standing Committee made a speech at the meeting, claiming that changing private-owned production materials into public property is the basis of Marxism-Leninism. http://www.people.com.cn/GB/33831/33839/30513/30518/2568764.html
3. Xinhua Net, “General Political Line during the Transitional Period”: The fundamental of this General Political Line is to change private-owned production materials under capitalism into public-owned ones under socialism. http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2003-09/01/content_1056710.htm
4. People’s Net, The birth of “May 4 Constitution” - Mao Zedong drafted the first Constitution of PRC in Zhejiang Province. http://www.npcnews.com.cn/gb/paper370/1/class037000003/hwz224711.htm
5. Xinhua Net, The second “Constitution of The People’s Republic of China” (1975) clearly stipulated, “We must adhere to the Chinese Communist Party’s basic line and policies in the whole socialism period, adhere to continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and enable our great homeland to forever march forward under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.” http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2004-02/18/content_1320280.htm
6. The Epoch Times website, “On the Chinese Communist Party’s History of Killing,” Part 7 of the Epoch Times editorials, The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, “Since 1949, the CCP has persecuted more than half the people in China. An estimated 50 million to 80 million people died of unnatural causes. This number exceeds the total number of deaths in both World Wars combined.” http://www.dajiyuan.com
7. Selections of Mao Zedong’s Articles on Information, page 182, published by Xinhua Publishing House, 1st edition, December 1983, http://academic.mediachina.net/xsqk_view.jsp?id=682
8. China Telecom website, “Comrade Chen Yi, a Proletarian Revolutionist” http://www.chinatelecom.com.cn/sxgz/20020531/00000162.html
9. The Epoch Times website, “Fool People with Lies and Make Despotic Rule, Compete for Power and Money and Reign with Terror, Part 6 of ‘June 4’ Massacre Special Compilations,” authored by Ao Tu. This was an article submitted for the “Red China’s Lies” global writing competition. http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/3/9/3/n369396.htm
10. Chinaredweb.com, Part 4 of a background information series, “The Whole Story of Deng Xiaoping’s Touring the South,” by Deng Xiaoping Theory Research Office, The School of Laws and Politics, Tianjin Institute of Technology. http://www.tjut.edu.cn:8080/redweb/bjzl_4.htm
11. The phrase of “tao guang yang hui” means “hiding one’s capacities and biding one’s time.” The following is the phrase’s dictionary explanation: It means hiding one’s capabilities and preventing them from being known. It was derived from “The Old Tang Dynasty History Book: Imperial Biographies, No.18, Part B, Emperor Xuan Zong.” The book said that Tang Dynasty Emperor Xuan Zong did not expose his talents, and did not talk much. When he was a child, all people in the Emperor Court believed that he was not smart. Later his brother accidentally noticed his talents, and then told his mother Queen Zheng Shi, who ordered his brother not to make it known. Later, Xuan Zong expectedly inherited the emperor position. In modern explanations of this phrase, the example of Liu Bei, a figure of “The Evolution of Three Kingdoms,” was often used. Before Liu became a king, because of his lack in military power, he pretended to attend a vegetable garden to show that he had no intention to compete with others, so as to pursue his ambition later. This was called “hiding one’s capacities and biding one’s time.” http://www.guoxue.com/shibu/24shi/oldtangsu/jtsml.htm
In “The Old Tang Dynasty History Book: Imperial Biographies, No.18, Part B, Emperor Xuan Zong.” Authored by Li Xu and others (in Later Jin Dynasty), “Ancient Article Treasure House” (yuan dian bao ku), Guoxue.net. http://www.guoxue.com/shibu/24shi/oldtangsu/jtsml.htm
12. People.com.cn, Information Office of the State Council, November 20, 2001, http://tw.people.com.cn/GB/14865/14922/859679.html
13. Govern the Country with Law – Laws and Regulations, April 19, 1993, “Circular of the State Council Concerning Organizational Structure,” The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, http://www.lawyer21.co.kr/lawchina/ch+ch/1/1-14.htm
15. People.com.cn, November 6, 2000, The Information Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Information Industry jointly issued “Interim Provisions for Administration of Internet Websites’ Publishing News,” http://www.people.com.cn/GB/channel5/28/20001107/302408.html
16. Xinhua Net, March 17, 2003. History and Function of the Information Office of the State Council, http://news.xinhuanet.com/zhengfu/2003-03/17/content_782728.htm
17. Xinhua Net, Curriculum Vitae of Zhao Qizheng, http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-03/05/content_300452.htm
18. The Information Office of the State Council has seven bureaus.
1st Bureau - Enhancing the China media’s reporting news overseas and press release, and providing services to foreign reporters for their gathering news in China. The Bureau Chief is Qian Xiaoqian.
2nd Bureau - Enhancing Chinese media’s reporting of international issues and its research on the statuses of the international media, and in charge of the exchange and cooperation with foreign media organizations. The Bureau Chief is Gu Yaoming.
3rd Bureau - Responsible for planning and organizing the making and publishing of books and videos that are targeted for circulation overseas, as well as comprehensive cultural exchange programs. The Bureau Chief is Guo Changjian.
4th Bureau - Studying the plan and ways for promoting China overseas, and being in charge of drafting important documents, reports, etc., which this bureau is held responsible for. The Bureau Chief is Li Chen.
5th Bureau - Making plans for the development of internet news, enriching the foreign language contents of important websites of Chinese government. The Bureau Chief is Qian Xiaoyu (as the adjunct chief).
6th Bureau – Supervising the provincial, municipal, and autonomous regions’ Information Office, and providing service to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan reporters for their coming to Mainland China to gather news. The Bureau Chief is Tian Jin.
7th Bureau – Driving the work of introducing China’s human rights development status to foreign countries, and engaging the exchange and cooperation with foreign organizations in the area of human rights. The Bureau Chief is Dong Yunlong.
By the Information Office of the State Council, People.com.cn http://tw.people.com.cn/GB/14865/14922/859679.html
19. Beijing Spring Magazine, June 2001 Issue (No.97 Issue), “The Official Documents from the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party regarding the Falun Gong Issue.” http://www.bjzc.org/bjs/bc/97/09
20. Snweb.cn (Information Center of People’s Daily), “News Front,” No. 11, 2002, “Using the Important ‘Three Representatives’ Thoughts to Drive the New Development of Foreign Propaganda,” Zhao Qizheng. http://www.snweb.com/gb/xw/2002/11/a1101002.htm
21. People’s Daily, October 25, 2004, page 9 http://www.ccyl.org.cn/study_think/file/xxysk20041025.htm
22. People’s Daily, February 27, 1999, page 1, “Jiang Zemin’s Speech on the National Conference for Foreign Media Propaganda in 1999,” http://www.people.com.cn/item/ldhd/Jiangzm/1999/huiyi/hy0002.html
24. China Radio International, on November 2, 2001, published what Guo Jinzhe, the Editor-in-Chief of China Radio International Have Learned from Foreign Propaganda Work, http://web10.cri.com.cn/special/2001/Nov/74702.htm
25. Report from People’s Daily website, “2000 China International Propaganda Conference,” January 25, 2000. http://web.peopledaily.com.cn/zdxw/19/20000125/200001251913.html
26. Report from China.org website, “Opening of China International Propaganda Conference,” January 13, 2001, http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/2001/Jan/16914.htm
27. China Report Weekly Net, June 8, 2003, “The power of mouthpiece – view of media propagation across countries from international strategy perspective”, by Xia Lin, excerpt from Report of Chinese Media http://www.mlcool.com/html/01723.htm
28. People’s Net, “The International Media Environment that China is Facing” by Zhao Qizheng, from World Knowledge http://media.people.com.cn/GB/40628/3278733.html
29. Center of International Information Spreading in Tsinghua University website, April 17, 2005, “The Soft Power and Global Information Spreading”. This article was a condensed version of State Council Information Office director Zhao Qizheng's speech at Tsinghua University on May 13, 2004 http://www.media.tsinghua.edu.cn/zxxw/2005-04-17/zxxw0-1-399.shtml
30. Center of International Information Spreading in Tsinghua University website, October 28, 2004, “Liu Yunshan: in memory of the 60th anniversary of Xinhua News Agency Launching International English Broadcasting.” http://www.media.tsinghua.edu.cn/xwll/2004-10-28/xwll0-9-177.shtml
31. Chinese Reporters, Vol. 2 of 2004, “Improve the Efficiency of Our Foreign Propaganda (III)”, by Xinhua News Agency’s “Research on Efficient Foreign Propaganda” research group
32. Zhao Qizheng, “The International Media Environment that China is Facing”, reprint from Ministry of Foreign Affairs publication World Knowledge on website of Center of International Information Spreading in Tsinghua University http://www.media.tsinghua.edu.cn/xshy/2005-01-13/xshy0-14-239.shtml
33. Xinhua Net, April 13, 2004, “Deputy Director of the Information Office of State Council, Qian Xiaoqian Held a Press Conference.” http://news.xinhuanet.com/video/2004-04/13/content_1415777.htm
34. Hong Kong Wenhuipo, July 20, 2005, “Qian Xiaoqian Promotes Tibet without a Break”, by Peng Kailei   http://www.wenweipo.com/news.phtml?news_id=HK0507200008&loc=LU&cat=230XZ&no_combo=1
35. Chinese Reporters, Vol. 2 of 2004, “Improve the Efficiency of Our Foreign Propaganda (III)”, by Xinhua News Agency’s “Research on Efficient Foreign Propaganda” research group
36. China News Net, September 17, 2001, “Grand Opening of the First International Chinese Media Forum in Nanjing (with photos)” http://www.fcm.chinanews.com.cn/2001-09-18/2/257.html
37. Tongxin Net, July 11, 2003, “Closely Follows New Development of Globalized Economy, Strives to Create a New Environment of International Propaganda”, Author: Huang Qiongji from United Front Department of Huizhou City CCP Committee http://www.tongxin.org/j-sys-news/page/2003/711/2705_652.shtml
38. Zhongxin Net, September 23, 2003, “Chinese Media Forum Closes; Liu Zepeng Calls for Geographic Affinity to Create Business Opportunities” http://www.chinanews.com.cn/n/2003-09-23/26/349925.html
39. China Party Cadres' Forum, Issue No. 5 of 2003, “Ideology Change in Post Cold-war Era”, Author: Wu Yurong, Ph.D. Candidate in class 2001 of CCP Central Party School's Scientific Socialism major. http://www.ccps.gov.cn/yjsjy/bysxx.htm
40. China Party Cadres’ Forum, Issue No. 6 of 2002, “Strategy for China’s International Image in an Era of Media Globalization,” Author: Wu Yurong http://www.54479.com/54479/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=582&BigClassName=&BigClassID=18&SmallClassID=17&SpecialID=0
41. World Manager Weekly, www.icxo.com, January 14, 2004, “Analysis of the Current Development of Foreign Media Corporation,” http://www.icxo.com/news.jsp?newsid=64651
42. VOA Chinese, May 26, 2001, “Son of Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch Calls Falun Gong Apocalyptic Cult”, Reported by Ya Wei  http://www.voa.gov/chinese/archive/worldfocus/mar2001/mon/0326018murdoch-chinagbtxt.htm
43. Zhejiang Online News Net, “Chapter 14 of Commentary on China News Dissemination - Administration of New Dissemination Technologies” http://www.cjr.com.cn/gb/node2/node26108/node30205/node194934/node195050/node195053/userobject7ai1637.html
44. China News Research Center, source: Cultural Study, “Criticizing Murdoch- Part 1,” Author: Yuan Aizhong  http://cddc.net/shownews.asp?newsid=8060
45. China Media Information Net, “Brief Introduction to Phoenix Satellite TV Holdings Ltd.” http://www.cmni.com.cn/othres/xg/fhwsjj.htm
46. People’s Net, source: Beijing Youth Daily, “Liu Changle Still Going Strong after Eight Years at Phoenix TV,” Reporter: Wu Fei. http://media.people.com.cn/GB/40701/3108120.html
47. Xinhua Net, September 2, 2003, “Global Chinese Language Satellite TV – brand magic of Phoenix Satellite TV”  http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2003-09/02/content_1058280_1.htm
48. Legal Daily, March 26, 2001, page 4, “Son of Rupert Murdoch Attacks Falun Gong” http://www.legaldaily.com.cn/gb/content/2001-03/26/content_15306.htm
49. People’s Net, source: Liberation Daily, March 26, 2001 http://www.people.com.cn/GB/other6902/2832/20010326/425397.html
50. Zhongxin Net, 09:45 on March 26, 2001, “Son of Media Mogul Murdoch Condemns Falun Gong”, reprint from Beijing Morning News
51. VOA Chinese, May 26, 2001, “Son of Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch Calls Falun Gong Apocalyptic Cult”, Reported by Ya Wei http://www.voa.gov/chinese/archive/worldfocus/mar2001/mon/0326018murdoch-chinagbtxt.htm
52. Baidu Encyclopedia Net: STAR Group Limited
STAR Group Limited is solely owned by News Corp., and it is the primary multi-platform media service provider in Asia. STAR broadcasts through over 50 channels to about 300 million people in 53 countries in seven languages. STAR channels include Star Chinese Channel, Star Plus, Xing Kong Wei Shi, Vijay, Phoenix Chinese, Channel [V]., ESPN, Star Sports, Star Gold, Star Movies, Star News, Star One, Star Utsav, Star World and Phoenix InfoNews. STAR also broadcasts programs of National Geographic, A1 and the History Channel. http://www.startv.com/big5/pressrm_intro.cfm?press_seq=841
53. Xinhua Net, January 8, 2004, “Media Administration Cases: Murdoch News Corp. China Strategy” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2004-01/08/content_1266435.htm
54. Chinese Computer Technology Info Net, March 22, 2002, from Nan Fang Daily, “Phoenix Satellite TV Lands in China; Murdoch Star Group Limited Begins Broadcast Next Month” http://www.chinabyte.com/20020322/1603217.shtml
55. China Net, Zeng Qinghong resume: In 2002, he was a member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee, and member of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee. In December 2002, he was also the principal of Party School of the CCP Central Committee. http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/2003/Mar/293702.htm
56. People’s Net, October 8, 2003, Rupert Murdoch: Value of the Culture Industry-Speech by Rupert Murdoch, Board Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corp. at the Party School of the CCP Central Committee. http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/41180/41185/3015288.html
57. Xinhua Net, October 10, 2003, “Li Changchun Meets with Murdoch and Hopes More Cooperation between News Corp and China” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2003-10/10/content_1116251.htm
58. Decree No. 44: Provisional Rules for Administration of Joint Ventures and Cooperative Enterprises of China and Foreign Countries Producing and Operating Radio and TV Programs.
Article 4, Chapter 1: “enterprises solely owned by foreign venture for making and operating radio and TV broadcasting programs are not permitted”
Item 5, Article 6, Chapter 2: “legal representative must be appointed by the Chinese government”
Item 6, Article 6, Chapter 2: “the Chinese partner must own no less than 51% of the total stock in a joint venture”
Article 12, Chapter 3: “joint venture enterprises can make special topic, special column, entertainment, cartoon and other radio and TV programs, but they must not make current affairs and political news or similar special feature programs or special column programs.”
State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Website, “Provisional Rules for Administration of Joint Ventures and Cooperative Enterprises of China and Foreign Countries Producing and Operating Radio and TV Programs” http://www.sarft.gov.cn/manage/publishfile/20/2274.html
59. Xinhua Net, March 7, 2005 report, source: State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Website, “Notice on Provisional Rules for Administration of Joint Ventures and Cooperative Enterprises of China and Foreign Countries Producing and Operating Radio and TV Programs” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2005-03/07/content_2660086.htm
60. Xinhua Net, March 7, 2005 report, source: Morning News of Liberation Daily, “New Policy Comes Out: Foreign Film and TV Media can Only Open One Joint Venture Company http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2005-03/07/content_2660106.htm
61. Tian Jin: deputy head of State Administration of Radio, Film and Television: Together Promote the Partner Relationship between China and Southeast Asia Nation Union http://www.people.com.cn/GB/guoji/8212/36645/36653/2743636.html
62. China State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Website, July 13, 2005, Excerpt of Tian Jin’s speech at National Radio, Film and Television Overseas Work Meeting http://www.sarft.gov.cn/manage/publishfile/134/3185.html
63. BBC Chinese, September 19, 2005, “Murdoch Calls Beijing ‘distrustful’” http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_4250000/newsid_4259500/4259566.stm
64. Economist, September 22, 2005, “News Corporation’s Troubles in China” http://www.economist.com/research/articlesBySubject/displayStory.cfm?story_id=4427632&subjectid=2743324&tranMode=none
65. China Net, December 28, 2004, “Basic Establishment of Three-tiered News Publication System of the Chinese Government” http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/2004/Dec/741194.htm
66. The Epoch Times, January 17, 2001, “Zhang Kunlun Escaped from the Tiger’s Mouth: I was subjected to ‘Brainwashing’ in China” http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/1/1/17/n35847.htm
67. The Epoch Times, January 21, 2001, “World Journal: Zhang Kunlun Recounts Abuse in Prison” http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/1/1/21/n37851.htm
68. Chinese Embassy in Canada website, January 18, 2001, “Chinese Embassy Spokesperson on Zhang Kunlun’s Speech at Press Conference” http://www.chinaembassycanada.org/chn/xw/swgb/t27835.htm
69. Chinese Embassy in Australia website, “Chinese Embassy Spokesperson Speaks on January 28, 2005” http://www.chinaembassy.org.au/chn/zt/jpflg/t181529.htm
70. Document Sifatong [2003] No. 135, “Ministry of Justice Instruction on Reinforcing the Propaganda Work in Justice and Administrative System”, published on November 23, 2003. Attachment: Forced Labor Camp Media Interview Approval Form
71. Website of the Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party Committee at North China Electric Power University, June 27, 2005, Notice about printing and distributing “Provisional regulation of reporting unexpected incidents occurring at North China Electric University.” http://www.ncepubj.edu.cn/xcb/tztg-show.asp?column_id=329&column_cat_id=1
72. Zhongxin Net, 15:37 on June 12, 2008, “China News Service Earthquake Report: Loves from Overseas Chinese Help Wenchuan Earthquake Victims to Survive”, source: China News Media Net http://www.chinanews.com.cn/gn/news/2008/06-12/1279887.shtml
73. Dajiyuan Net, June 16, 2008 Sydney Time, “Sichuan Human Rights Advocate Huang Qi Charged for Holding State Secret Illegally.” http://www.epochtimes.com.au/gb/8/6/16/n2156695.htm
74. Clearwisdom Net, August 21, 2001, “The Press Conference and 265-hour Sit-In Protest in San Francisco” http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/8/21/13061.html
75. website of Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, August 27, 2001, “Spokesman of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco Made a Public Speech” http://www.chinaconsulatesf.org/chn/xw/t37894.htm
76. Sina Net, July 23, 2002, Xinhua News Agency report from Washington, DC on July 22: Chinese Embassy in US Spokesperson denounced “the argument that China is a global threat”.
77. Xinhua Net, “Human Rights White Paper published on March 30, 2004, a Milestone of China’s Human Rights Improvement” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2004-03/30/content_1391278.htm
78. Xinhua Net, April 13, 2005. “China Published White Paper: China’s Human Rights Progress in 2004.” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2005-04/13/content_2822125.htm
79. People’s Daily Overseas Edition, March 25, 2005, “Director of Information Office of State Council Zhao Qizheng: Striving to Introduce China to the World”, by Shen Xinggeng and Zhang Yongheng http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/2005/Mar/820284.htm
80. Xinhua Net, March 30, 2005, “Zhao Qizheng: We Dare to Broadcast Live, Indicating Chinese Officials are of Good Caliber.” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2005-03/30/content_2761635.htm
81. China Guangzhou Net, August 26, 2005. “Brief Analysis of Connections and Differences between Propaganda at Home and Overseas Propaganda”, by Ding Daishu http://www.guangzhou.gov.cn/node_530/node_533/2005-08/112504723766622.shtml
82. Chinese Reporters, Vol. 2 of 2004, “Improve the Efficiency of Our Foreign Propaganda (I)”, by Xinhua News Agency’s “Research on Efficient Foreign Propaganda” research group
83. Communication Forum Net, November 14, 2003. “Thoughts on China’s International News Dissemination under the Climate of Globalization”, by Song Zhaoxun http://ruanzixiao.diy.myrice.com/qqhxzggjxwcbdcsk1114.htm
84. Chinese Government website, January 21, 2008, source: Xinhua News Agency, “Review of Our Country's Propaganda and Culture Exchange Work Abroad Since the 16th National People's Congress”, by Wei Wu http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2008-01/21/content_864524.htm
85. International Communications, June 2005, “What the Foreign Propaganda Personnel Need - Mastery of Artifices and Reducing the Tone of Propaganda”, by Tang Runhua, Head of Xinhua News Agency’s Research Institute.  http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2005-07/06/content_3182686_1.htm
86. Chinese Reporters, Issue No. 5, 2008, “Reform and Renovate, Focus on Improving Media’s Guiding Role” http://www.chuanboxue.net/list.asp?Unid=4113
87. China News Net -- “Information on Industry and Economics”, from China News Service “Brief Introduction on Foreign Newspapers.”  http://www3.chinanews.com.cn:6666/wbyaolan.htm
88. Toutunhe District People's Government website, from China News Service brief http://www.tth.gov.cn/1$001/1$001$007/1$001$007$008/article.jsp?articleid=2006-5-25-0015
89. Media – People's Net, November 9, 2007, “Oversea Center of China News Service”, source: China News Media Net http://media.people.com.cn/GB/6508011.html
90. Zhongxin Net, October 12, 2006, “CNS Established Cooperation Relationship with US Asian Culture Media Group (with Photo)” http://www.heb.chinanews.com.cn/news/gatq/2006-10-12/9173.shtml
91. CRI Online, China Radio International http://gb.cri.cn/cri/gk.htm
92. Website of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), Reply of SARFT Spokesperson to Questions Raised by Journalists of South China Morning Post (Hong Kong),
93. Media magazine, Issue No. 9, 2005, “The Overall Packaging Path of CCTV-9 Channel”, by Wang Conghui
94. CCTV website: Brief introduction to CCTV-4 (international channel) http://sports.cctv.com/homepage/profile/04/index.shtml
95. People’s Net, “How to subscribe to People's Daily Oversea Edition” http://bkdy.people.com.cn/dispnews.php?id=73
96. Xinhua Net, July 4, 2005, reprint report from China News Service on July 1 in Beijing, “The 20th Anniversary of Starting Publication of People’s Daily Overseas Edition, One of the Five Main Media for Overseas Propaganda” http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2005-07/04/content_3171046.htm
97. Website of Chinese Embassy in France, “China’s Main Overseas Media” http://fr.chineseembassy.org/chn/zgzfg/zgsg/xwc/zgmtfz/t154881.htm
98. Qinghai News Net, January 21, 2008, “Review of Our Country's Propaganda and Culture Exchange Work Abroad Since the 16th National People's Congress” http://www.qhnews.com/index/system/2008/01/21/002341459_02.shtml
99. Website of Foreign Affairs Office of Guangdong Provincial People's Government, August 26, 2003. China’s State Council issued Document No. 47 “Regulation stipulations on Foreign Journalists and Foreign Media Outlets in China.” http://www.gdfao.gov.cn/lbxw/lb7/200308260014.htm
100. Tsinghua University website, “Chronicles of Fighting against SARS” http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/docsn/shxx/site/chinac/liudb/sars/lanmu/jishi/
The exact time of SARS outbreak for Mr. Pang of Foshan City was the evening of November 16, 2002. He was hospitalized for the first time on November 20… He is probably the first SARS patient we are able to trace. On March 12, WHO issued the first global warning on the outbreak of SARS in some regions. On March 13, various media in Hong Kong reported pneumonia outbreak as headline news. Some even used the titles such as “Lethal pneumonia attacks on Hong Kong”, “Lethal virus variation spread in Asia”, “Pneumonia out of control, medical staff panic” and so on http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/docsn/shxx/site/chinac/liudb/sars/lanmu/jishi/
101. Website of Chinese Embassy in Hungary, April 3, 2003
China’s Minister of Public Health Answering Questions from Journalists of Chinese and Foreign Media, “SARS Has Been Effectively Controlled”. http://www.chinaembassy.hu/chn/xwdt/t87779.htm
102. The Epoch Times, July 21, 2005,  “SARS and Renouncing the Communist Party”, by Chen Yanhong http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/7/21/n993167.htm
103. Boxun Net, June 11, 2003, “Jiang Yanyong: People’s Interest is above Everything!” http://www./news/gb/yuanqing/2003/06/200306110947.shtml
104. Sina Net, “Beijing: Typical Procedures during Outbreak of SARS” http://book..cn/2003-07-01/3/10608.shtml
105. Great Wall On-line (Website of Information Office of Hebei Provincial People's Government), September 12, 2003, “Exploring Greater Potential When We Make Breakthroughs in the Way We Think” http://www.hebei.com.cn/node2/node892/node1203/node1205/userobject1ai151908.html
106. Great Wall On-line (Website of Information Office of Hebei Provincial People's Government), November 26, 2004.
Xiang Jinke, Deputy Head of Propaganda Department of Hebei Provincial CCP Committee and Director of Information Office of provincial government, gave a speech at the graduation ceremony of the first training session for News spokespersons of Hebei Province http://www.hebei.com.cn/node2/node1302/node1662/node1663/userobject1ai282510.html
107. Xinhua Net, January 18, 2005.
“With the arrangement of Information Office of the State Council, a journalist team composed of reporters from Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, China Radio International, China News Service, Hong Kong Wenweipo, Associated Press, and CNN interviewed the survivors of the ‘Self-immolation’ incident, Wang Jindong, Liu Yunfang, and one of the organizers for the ‘self-immolation’ incident Xue Hongjun, at Zhengzhou Prison on January 18,” by Tian Yu. http://news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2005-01/18/content_2478767.htm
108. The Epoch Times Website, February 12, 2005, “Falun Gong Suspects AP and Chinese Communist Regime Had Dark-Room Deals”  http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/5/2/12/n810289.htm
109. Nan Fang Net, February 7, 2001. “Numerous Evidence Showed Western Journalists Involved in ‘Self-Immolation’ Incident by Falun Gong Followers” http://news.beelink.com.cn/20010207/403549.shtml
110. Wuhan University of Technology News Net, March 7, 2008, “Liu Qi: Study, Promote and Carry Out the Spirit of the 17th National People's Congress So As to Open up a New Arena of Ideology Work” http://www.wutnews.net/politics/news.aspx?id=40823
111. The three books Broken Images: Essays on Chinese Culture and Politics, Chinese Shadows, and The Chairman’s New Clothes by Simon Leys are called “unavoidable cornerstones” in one’s observation of China. They changed the contemporary French view on China. “Simon Leys Who Changed Contemporary French View of China” in the May 30, 2002 issue of Beijing Spring Magazine. Author: Chen Yan in France. http://bjzc.org/bjs/bc/109/87
112. People’s Daily website: “Li Dan: Telling the World People Stories about China.” (Part One), interviewers: Wang Yongliang, Lan Lan  http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/37734/39157/2902998.html
113. People’s Daily website: “Li Dan: Telling the World People Stories about China.” (Part Three) - Seeking Experience from the Western World yet Brought Back Love for One's Country http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/37734/39157/2903011.html
114. People’s Daily website: “Li Dan: Telling the World People Stories about China.” (Part Four) - Creating a New Realm for News Reporting. http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/37734/39157/2903028.html
115. Tianjin Foreign Trade Net, April 15, 2004, “Implementation Details for Intensifying Propaganda toward Foreign Countries”, by Foreign Propaganda Office of Tianjin City CCP Committee (Information Office of Tianjin City Government) http://www.goldentianjin.net.cn/kaifang/law20.htm
116. China Net: February 22, 2005, “Focal Point (Guidelines) on Radio, Film and Television Propaganda for 2005”, by State Administration of Radio, Film and Television http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/zhuanti/gzyd/792288.htm
117. State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) website, Tian Jin’s Biography: he became SARFT vice editor-in-chief in October 2001; SARFT vice editor-in-chief and CCP group member in August 2003; SARFT deputy director and CCP group member in August 2004 http://www.sarft.gov.cn/downstage/page_134_1.jsp
118. State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) webiste, August 2007, Wang Taihua http://www.chinasarft.gov.cn/catalog.do?catalogId=20070831104651450298
119. State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) website, February 6, 2008, “Speech at the National Conference for Directors of Radio, Film and TV Bureaus”, by Wang Taihua on January 27, 2008 http://www.sarft.gov.cn/articles/2008/02/06/20080205170642240530.html
120. National Translation Qualification Exam Training Website, December 23, 2004, “About us”, Education and Training Center of China Foreign Language Bureau http://www.wwjtraining.com/aboutus.asp?id=17
121. “Yang Zhengquan: A Rough Life Path Reveals His Wisdom in Media Work (Part 1)”
Yang Zhengquan’s Biography: In April 1993, he was promoted to deputy director of CCP Foreign Propaganda Office, deputy director of State Council Information Office, director and CCP group secretary of China Foreign Language Publishing and Distribution Administration. In July 2001, he was appointed standing vice chairman of the China Human Rights Development Foundation and vice chairman of the China Human Rights Research Society. He was the representative of CCP 15th National Congress, member of the National Politburo 10th Session, and the deputy director of Politburo's Foreign Affair Committee. http://www.people.com.cn/GB/14677/22114/37734/39506/2922865.html
122. China Publisher Association website, “Fifty Years of International Press and Publication of the New China,” by Yang Zhengquan, [Editor’s note: The “new-born People’s Republic (of China)” refers to communist China after the CCP seized power in 1949] http://www.pac.org.cn/htm/nianjian/2000/50years/50-10.asp
123. Xinhua Net: Large-scale Foreign Propaganda magazine http://www.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/cmqk/dwdcb.htm
124. Xinhua Net, March 28, 2005, “How Can the News Publication Industry Adopt and Implement a Scientific Development Outlook”, by Yu Yongzhan http://news.xinhuanet.com/newmedia/2005-03/28/content_2753564.htm
125. National Career Training Material Net, “Government Pays the Bill for Translation Fee for the First Time. ‘Walk Out’ Gets Strong Push,” http://www.cott.org.cn/newsdetail.cfm?iCntno=5244
126. Website of Chinese News Research Center. “Innovation and Development of the Publication Industry,” http://www.cddc.net/shownews.asp?newsid=9429
127. People's Net, “A Colorful and Boundless Land of Culture—Sidelights of 1999 Paris-China Culture Week,” by Yang Xuefeng and Niu Tingtao, September 18, 2001 http://www.sd-china.com/communion/communion-4.htm
128. Jiangsu of China Net, February 5, 2004 “Zhao Qizheng, Telling the World about China.” http://news.jschina.com.cn/gb/jschina/news/show/chinesetime/userobject1ai434967.html
129. Shanghai Official Website of Chinese-French Cultural Year, “The Evening of Beijing and Paris: Chinese and French Performing Artists Hand in Hand (Photo report)” http://www.cfcy.sh.gov.cn/epublish/gb/paper178/1/class017800001/hwz649639.htm
130. People’s Net, November 20, 2005, speech by Guo Ke, Vice-president of School of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai International Studies University, http://www.tech.net.cn/sace/inter/6889.shtml
131. Sina Net, October 13, 2003, “Exposition of Psychological Studies of Audience of China’s Overseas Propaganda”, by Guo Ke  http://tech..cn/other/2003-10-13/1647243344.shtml
132. China Net, October 26, 2005, “What has 'Chinese-French Culture Year' brought us?” by Chen Weiyuan, senior editor from Foreign Expert Bureau, Source: Large-scale Foreign Propaganda magazine
133. Jiangsu Prison Net, March 22, 2004, “How the taboo in human rights area was broken -- an unusual publishing experience of mine” by Wang Mi, editor of Sichuan People’s Publishing Company http://www.jsjy.gov.cn/newsfiles/34/2005-01/4102.shtml
134. China Net and People’s Daily, March 15, 2004, by Dong Yunhu. http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/OP-c/516604.htm
135. China Youth Science and Technology Info Net : A Brief Introduction of Dong Yunhu http://cyc7.cycnet.com:8090/fair/bolanhui/person/person_content.jsp?p_id=632&a_id=136
136. People’s Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Website, November 7, 2000. “Chinese Government signed ‘International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’” http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/ziliao/wjs/2159/t9004.htm
137. Kesi Platform Net, “Almanac of China’s Internet News Reports between 1995 and 2002”, http://www.kserp.com/ks_shownews.asp?newsid=1329
138. Zhejiang Online, “Chapter Four of Comments of Journalism and Communication in China – Management of New Techniques in Communication”, http://www.cjr.com.cn/gb/node2/node26108/node30205/node194934/node195050/node195053/userobject7ai1637.html
139. Nan Fang Net, October 10, 2003. “Fully Exert Our Advantages and Strengthen Foreign Propaganda.” Paper published on “2003 China’s Internet Media Forum,” by Zhang Hong, responsible person for CRI Online. http://www.southcn.com/news/gdnews/zgwllt/lw/200310100966.htm
140. Jiangsu of China Net, “Sadness and Happiness: Retrospect on The Past Five Years of China’s Internet Media Industry,” reprint from International Media Circles, 4th issue of year 2000, page 27.
141. Investigation records: Information Office of the State Council Makes Use of Websites of Overseas Embassies to Carry on Anti-Falun Gong Brainwashing Propaganda. For example:

The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada website,
Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in San Francisco website,
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Switzerland website,
Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney website,
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in New Zealand website,
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Hungary website, and so on
142. China Internet Information Center, Nov. 14, 2003, “News Website Construction and Development,” by Information Office of State Council, http://www.cnnic.net.cn/html/Dir/2003/11/14/1302.htm
143. Communication Forum net, news from China Media Reports (Hong Kong), the 1st issue of 2003, “The State Security during Media Globalization and Viewing Media’s Cross Border Broadcast From the International Strategic Perspective” (Xia Lin, vice-chief-editor of Xinhua News Agency, senior reporter) http://ruanzixiao.diy.myrice.com/cmqxhsddgjaq.htm
Footnote: Please refer to another WOIPFG investigation report, “Overseas Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party Central Community is the Leading Center for the Slanderous Propaganda in the Persecution of Falun Gong.”

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