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世界最长寿的鱼竟逾500岁 从16世纪活到现在






The story behind the story... ???? This is the footage of a giant #Greenlandshark of 4.4 m that was caught and released with satellite tags in 2017. Back then, I shared a screen shot from the video which since has been widely shared, reposted and retweetet hundred of times. Often, when this picture has been shown, it is with a caption reading that this is a 400 yr or even 500 yr old Greenland shark. The shark was big yes, but we cant say anything that precise about its age. My guess is that this particular shark was older than 150 yr but it is obviously a guess. Besides, we have previously estimated the Greenland shark to have a lifespan of at least 272 yr, which was obtained from marine radiocarbon dating of the eye lens nucleus. That is an estimate and it needs verfication one day in the future using another independant method. Mean while, a new marine calibration curve (Marine20) was published last month and running that calibration might affect the current estimates. We will see ???? #greenlandsharkproject

Julius ????????????????(@juniel85)分享的貼文 於 張貼

日本媒体《DIAMOND ONLINE》报导指出,人们普遍认为,寿命约为50至80岁的锦鲤相当长寿,但事实上,「格陵兰鲨」(Greenland shark)的寿命和其他鱼类不在同一个层次,动辄200岁以上的寿命,往往让人瞠目结舌。





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