Kansas City mom, Mariah Thomas, 26, has been charged with baking her newborn baby daughter to death in an oven, after mistaking the oven for the infant’s crib. Thomas told police she “accidentally placed her in the oven instead of the crib”. pic.twitter.com/AhyY4Py454
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) February 11, 2024
可怕!美国密苏里州堪萨斯城女子托马斯(Mariah Thomas),于当地时间9日下午将婴儿放进烤箱致死,目前托马斯被指控危害儿童等罪嫌。
侦办本案的杰克逊郡检察官贝克(Jean Peters Baker)表示,这场悲剧相当可怕,令办案人员都感到心情沉重,相信司法系统能够厘清真相。