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角力或放风 十八大入常名单有变

日前,有海外媒体爆出十八大人事变动的最新消息说,〝原定进入十八大常委的李源潮,在最后时刻功亏一篑,被震荡出局。〞而原先被出局的俞正声,将重 新进入常委。虽然某些媒体在中共18大前不断猜测〝入常〞名单,但有评论认为,如今,中共的〝十八大〞布局大局已定,传言〝常委人员有变〞,不会成为...

日前,有海外媒体爆出十八大人事变动的最新消息说,〝原定进入十八大常委的李源潮,在最后时刻功亏一篑,被震荡出局。〞而原先被出局的俞正声,将重 新进入常委。虽然某些媒体在中共18大前不断猜测〝入常〞名单,但有评论认为,如今,中共的〝十八大〞布局大局已定,传言〝常委人员有变〞,不会成为影响 中共政局走向的变数。接下来就听听专家是怎么说的。








时 事评论员夏小强:〝江派残余势力已经没有牌可打,他们只能靠放风来搅局,一边不断放出江泽民现身的假消息,一边放出十八大常委名单有变的风声,其实十八大 常委名单,现在根本已经不是重点,十八大常委无论是谁,江派在十八大后都将面临全面被清算,这一点已经没有任何悬念。〞



夏 小强:〝江泽民、曾庆红、周永康、罗干在1999年开始镇压法轮功,其中包括前政法委书记罗干制造‘天安门自焚伪案’。还有,政法委系统、全国劳教所和医 院,所形成的活体摘除法轮功学员器官的惊天的罪恶。为了掩盖事实真相,江泽民、曾庆红绝对不敢让出中共最高权力,这就是十年来‘江、胡斗’的核心,也是中 共十六大、十七大、十八大权斗的核心,这也是江泽民近日频频‘被露面’的原因。〞


采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉[page]

Upcoming Members of CCP Politburo Standing Committee Changed?
Wrestling or Rumors?

Recently, overseas media reported the latest news about
the personnel changing of the Chinese Communist Pary(CCP) 18th National Congress
that “Li Yuanchao, who had been decided upon to enter
the Politburo Standing Committee was moved out at the last moment.”
Yu Zhengsheng, who wouldn't enter the Standing Committee
will enter now.
Although some media keep on discussing the new members
list of the Standing Committee,
analysts thought currently that the big arrangement
of the 18th Congress is fixed.
The rumor of “new member list changed” will not
impact the trend of the CCP's political situation.
Let's see what the experts said.

The CCP's 18th National Congress will be held on November 8.

Except the vice president Xi Jinping and vice prime minister
Li Keqiang, Guangdong secretary Wang Yang,
Minister of Central Organization Department Li Yuanchao,

Vice prime minister Wang Qishan, Minister of Propaganda
Liu Yunshan and so on are high potential candidates.

However, oversea media reported Li Yuanchao was out,
and that Yu Zhengsheng will enter the Standing Committee.

The report revealed that it was the former Prime Minister
Li Peng who moved Li Yuanchao out.
It was emphasized that Li Peng didn't agree to let
Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao enter the Standing Committee and he asked Hu Jintao many times to move them out.
Hu Jintao then moved Wang Yang out
after thinking over the situation.
But Li Peng wasn't happy
that Li Yuanchao was still on the list.

Lin Zixun, a current affairs' commentator said, if it's true,

the 18th Congress cannot be held since each CCP veteran
senior leader will tell Hu Jintao something.

Lin Zixu: "Li Yuanchao has the age advantage, and doesn't
have a bad record and has the absolute support of the Hu-Wen faction.
Unless something big has occurred, Li Yuanchao will enter
the Standing Committee and nothing will be changed.”

There are rumors that the CCP Chongqing secretary Zhang
Dejiang will be moved back to Beijing on Octorber 28,
and will be prepared to be promoted to member of
the Standing Committee during the 18th Congress.
Hong Kong media has also reported that CCP bigwigs are
seriously divided on the personnel arrangement.
The decided member list has been changed,
and may have further changes yet.

Xia Xiaoqiang, a current affairs' commentator analyzed that

this year, the member list of Politburo Standing Committee
will not be like others which couldn't be fixed until the last minute.
Now the arrangement of the 18th Congress is fixed.

The rumor “member list of Standing Committee is changed”
will not impact the trend of the CCP's political situation.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "The remaining force of Jiang's faction has no
card to play. They can only use rumor to mess up the situation.
on the one hand, they published Jiang Zemin's public action
Continually, on the other hand, they spread rumors that the member list of the Standing Committee had changed.
Actually, the list is not the key point now. No matter who
will be the members of Standing Committee,
Jiang's faction will be liquidated in the 18th Congress.
There's no doubt.”

According to the Epoch Times News Net, 200 CCP senior
officials attended a meeting in Jingxi Hotel in May 2012.
In this meeting, Hu Jintao gave a guideline that
Zhou Yongkang is in retirement.
And Zhongnanhai made an agreement that Zhou Yongkang
can show his face in public only to make a “harmonious",
"stable" image which can guarantee smooth leadership change
in the 18th Congress.

It's widely believed that Zhou Yongkang secretly plotted
against Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping for a long time.
For example, he hyped the Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands issue,
which he planned in the name of protecting sovereign territory to pressure Hu, Wen and Xi.
The political situation could thus have been in a mess, the
18th Congress postponed and Jiang's power sustained.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "In 1999, Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Zhou
Yongkang and Luo Gan started persecuting Falun Gong.
The former secretary of the Politics and Judiciary Committee
Luo Gan initiated the Tiananmen self-immolation pseudo case.
The Politics and Judiciary system work together with
Labor Camps and hospitals formed to do live organ harvesting on Falun Gong practitioners.
To continue to hide the truth, Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong
will not lose the power of the highest level of CCP.
This is the core of the Jiang-Hu infighting in the past tens
of years, and is the core of 16th Congress, 17th Congress as well as the 18th Congress.
This is also the reason why Jiang Zemin was forced
to show his face.

Xia Xiaoqiang thought that the biggest unstable factor
that will impact China's future, and the most interesting question is:
Will the liquidation of the Jiang faction
kill off Zhou Yong Kang and Jiang Zemin ?




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