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美国防部公布美中防长通话记录 埃斯珀传达遵守国际规则重要性


图:美国国防部公布8月6日埃斯珀(Mark T. Esper)部长同中国魏凤和部长通电话记录(国防部图片,SOH合成)

随着南海区域紧张局势的升温,美国国防部长埃斯珀(Mark Esper)同中共国防部长魏凤和8月6日通话。埃斯珀部长要求中国提高对COVID的透明度,对中国在台湾和南中国海附近的破坏稳定活动表示关注,并呼吁中国履行1984年《中英联合声明》原则下的国际义务。埃斯珀部长传达了中国遵守国际法律,规则和规范并履行其国际承诺的重要性。


「2020年8月6日,国防部长埃斯珀(Mark T. Esper)与中华人民共和国国防部长魏凤和通了电话。



美国国防部长埃斯珀(Mark Esper)在前一天5日在华盛顿智库「阿斯彭研究所」(TheAspenInstitute)网路安全论坛上重申美国国家安全防御战略,首先确保美国有足够资源能力与中国竞争;其次,威慑阻止任何形式的冲突;第三,如果前两项失效,美国将做好准备迎战并赢得胜利。

埃斯珀(Mark Esper)提到,应对时代挑战,美国正在努力明确国防大学扩展语言课程,已经要求把开设的50%的课程重点放在中国。



“Secretary Esper called for greater PRC transparency on COVID, expressed concern about PRC destabilizing activity in the vicinity of Taiwan and the South China Sea, and called on the PRC to honor international obligations under the principles of the1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. Secretary Esper communicated the importance that the PRC abide by international laws, rules, and norms, and meet its international commitments.

Secretary Esper reinforced his priorities for U.S.-PRC defense relations to focus on preventing and managing crises, reduce risk, and cooperate where interests of the two nations align.

Both leaders agreed on the importance of maintaining open channels of communication and developing the systems necessary for crisis communications and risk reduction. Secretary Esper affirmed the principles of a constructive, stable, and results-oriented defense relationship between the United States and the PRC.”


来源: 希望之声


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