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FBI突袭曼哈顿唐人街 扫荡移民诈欺26人被控







Feng Leng Liu, lawyer,46;

Vanessa Bandrich, lawyer,33;

Feng Li, lawyer,31;

Yuchang"David" Miao, office manager,47;

Shuran"Harry" Liu, office manager,35;

Kevin Lnu, paralegal, age unknown;

Wen Ting Zheng, paralegal,26;

Guo Qin"Lillian" Miao, office manager,45;

Sunny Yang, paralegal, age unknown;

Ken Giles, lawyer,53;

Hong Che, aka Julie Chen, office manager,49;

Freddy Jacobs, lawyer,63;

Fnu"Daisy" Yang, office manager, age unknown;

John Wang, lawyer,32;

Dejin Huang, paralegal,60;

Jian En Wang, office manager,46;

Lianna Chen, translator,24;

Yong"Tom" Zhang, translator,38;

Song"Marshal" Luo, translator,34;

Zian Jun Yang, translator,58;

Zeyuan"Steve" Wang, paralegal,32;

Xu Lu, office manager,42;

Huan Wang, paralegal,40;

Liying Lin, religious trainer,29;

Xiao Feng Xu, office manager,57;

Xia Ping"Wendy" Wen, office manager,49. 


Law Firms Are Accused of Aiding Chinese Immigrants’ False Asylum Claims

Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

F.B.I. agents during a raid in Chinatown in Manhattan on Tuesday. Twenty-six people, including six lawyers and employees of at least10 law firms, were arrested in what the authorities said was a plot to orchestrate false asylum claims for Chinese immigrants.

They invented woeful tales of persecution for their Chinese clients. Prepped them on how to lie about having had a forced abortion. Even tutored them on religion.

In all,26 people, including6 lawyers, were charged Tuesday with helping Chinese immigrants submit false asylum claims in an effort to stay in the United States, law enforcement officials said.

The indictments describe elaborate schemes based in law offices in Manhattan’s Chinatown and in Flushing, Queens, which involved teams of paralegals and office managers, translators and a church official, who conspired to dupeimmigration officials by inventing stories of political and religious persecution for their clients, officials said.

The indictments say female clients who sought asylum based on China’s one-child policy were encouraged to prepare for asylum interviews by watching Chinese soap operas so they could describe the experience of a forced abortion. Some paralegals were called“story writers” for their knack for inventing detailed tales of persecution. A church official in Flushing prepared clients for questions on religion by offering basic instruction in Christianity.

More than20 defendants were arrested in raids in Manhattan’s Chinatown and in Flushing, capping a three-year investigation.

Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, accused the defendants of“weaving elaborate fictions” and making it“more difficult for those who are legitimately seeking refuge in this country.”

The indictments charged employees of at least10 law firms, the authorities said. In the past few years, the firms filed more than1,900 asylum applications, according to the indictments; officials did not say how many they believe were fraudulent.

Tuesday’s operation appeared to be among the largest roundups of lawyers and their associates in New York City in connection with asylum fraud allegations. Even so, the federal indictments only hinted at the pervasiveness of immigration fraud within the Chinese diaspora, experts said.

Peter Kwong, a professor of Asian-American studies and urban affairs at Hunter College, said he believed most Chinese asylum cases in New York City were fraudulent.“This is an industry,” Mr. Kwong said.“Everybody knows about it, and these violations go on all the time.”

Immigrants can apply for asylum within a year of arriving in the United States and may qualify if they can show that they have suffered persecution or have a“well-founded fear of future persecution” on the basis of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion.

Far more Chinese immigrants seek and receive asylum in the United States than any other group, government figures show. In fiscal year2011, about8,600 Chinese immigrants received asylum, or more than34 percent of all successful asylum seekers.

The investigation began after federal immigration officials in New York told investigators they were seeing similarities in many of the cases they were handling, according to an official briefed on the investigation.

In many of the cases reviewed by investigators, Chinese immigrants said they had been persecuted for being Christian or followers of Falun Gong. Others said they were persecuted for their political leanings. Yet others claimed they had suffered forcible abortions under China’s family-planning rules, the authorities said.

But investigators determined that many of the asylum applicants“had not actually suffered persecution in China,” according to the indictments.

In exchange for money, the indictments state,“the law firm would make up a story of persecution and the client would need to memorize that story.”

Many of the law firms referred clients to the Full Gospel Church in Flushing, where they would meet with a church official, Liying Lin, prosecutors said.

Ms. Lin,29, provided services to asylum seekers including“training in the basic tenets of Christianity,” prosecutors said. But much of Ms. Lin’s instruction was specifically aimed at tricking the immigration authorities, according to the indictment against her, which claimed that she“trained asylum applicants on what questions about religious belief would be asked during an asylum interview and coached the clients on how to answer.”

In return for such instruction, applicants“were expected to make cash donations.” For an additional price, Ms. Lin provided certificates showing“the client’s attendance at church and/or the client’s baptism,” according to the indictment.

All26 defendants were charged with conspiring to commit immigration fraud. They were awaiting arraignment Tuesday night.


涉难民欺诈 FBI纽约律师楼抓21人华人占多






其中11号楼4楼的一家律师行Bandrich& Associates被搜查。(摄影﹕蔡溶/大纪元)




嫌犯包括(以下音译)﹕刘风铃律师(46岁)、Vanessa Bandrich律师(33岁)、李丰律师(31岁)、办公室经理苗裕昌(别名大卫∕47岁)、刘淑然办公室经理(别名哈利∕35岁)、刘凯文律师助理、26岁的郑闻廷律师助理、苗国秦(别名Lillian∕45岁)、杨欣律师助理、Ken Giles律师(53岁)、车宏(别名陈朱莉∕49岁)、Freddy Jacobs律师(63岁)、办公室经理杨Fnu(别名Daisy)、王约翰律师(32岁)、黄德金律师助理(别名黄叔或老黄∕60岁)、王建恩部门经理(46岁),翻译陈莲娜(24岁)、翻译张勇(别名汤姆∕38岁)、翻译罗讼(34岁)、翻译杨献军(58岁)、王泽员(别名Steve∕32岁)、陆旭办公室经理(42岁)、王欢(40岁)、宗教训练员林立英(29岁)、办公室主任徐小峰(57岁)及办公室经理温霞平(49岁)等。

根据起诉书,嫌犯Ken Giles将面临最高15年监禁的刑罚,嫌犯Freddy Jacobs面临的最高刑罚是25年监禁。林立英(音译,Liying Lin)面临的最高刑罚是35年监禁。王约翰(John Wang)等四名被告中的两名面临最高20年监禁。其余19名被告面对的最高刑罚是五年监禁。



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