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阴谋论闹进美国国会表决现场 女速记员闹场

House stenographer Diane Reidy众议院速记员黛安·雷迪




As the House finished their vote to reopen the federal government and raise the debt ceiling, the House stenographer decided it was a good time to let everyone know her feelings about God, Congress, and the Freemasons.

"He[God] will not be mocked," the stenographer, yelled into the microphone as she was dragged off by security."The greatest deception here is that this is not one nation under God. It never was. It would not have been. The Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God. Praise be to Jesus."

责任编辑: 郑浩中   转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
