本届美国总统大选空前激烈,川普(Donald Trump)频频在推特发文,并质疑部分地区计票过程有瑕疵,更痛批其中充满诈欺。
....Supreme Court Justice to compel them to separate ballots that were received after the legislative deadline. It required the intervention of Justice Alito. That’s a large group of ballots. When you talk about systemic problems, it’s about...
— Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump) November8,2020
....how these ballots were authenticated, because if there’s a problem in the system about authentication, that would seriously affect the ENTIRE ELECTION- And what concerns me is that we had over a hundred million mail-in ballot in cites like Philladelphia...
— Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump) November8,2020
...and Detroit with a long series of election problems(to put it mildly).”@JonathanTurley
— Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump) November8,2020