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铁流指出,毛泽东一生制造事端,杀害党内数十万人,1957年以“阳谋” 陷阱,把全国50多万民族精英,打成“反党反社会主义”的“右派份子”,使得他们家破人亡,祸及3代,沉冤20多年。他又违反自然规律,大搞“超英赶美” 的所谓“大跃進”活动,亲手制造了一桩桩人为的饥饿,竟然活活饿死3700多万中国人民。为搞家天下,发动“文化大革命”陷害忠良。








“China』s Largest Poisonous Element”

Beijing based well-known writer Tie Liu proposed
to launch a signing campaign to sue Mao
for the "5/7 Victims" and right-wing activists.
Tie said that he wouldn』t rest until Mao's corpse
and portrait are removed from Tiananmen.

In late may, Tie Liu publicly proposed to unite
the “5/7 Victims” in all of China to prosecute Mao
to the Supreme Court for "trampling the Constitution,
disregarding lives and bending the law to kill”.

In early 1960s and 70s, some Chinese workers
in state-owned enterprises obeyed Mao Zedong's
“5/7 Order” by leaving home and working
at labor camp-like farms” in remote areas of China.
They are known collectively as “5/7 Workers”.

Tie told NTD that China is facing a terrible situation.
Extreme left Maoists are rampant and want China
to return the time of Cultural Revolution.
They launched campaigns across China to
"Indict Mao Yushi and Xin Ziling", both anti-Maoists.
Maoists attempt to restart so-called “class struggle”.

Tie published proposals to criticize and expose Mao,
demanding the crushing of Maoists.

Tie: “This initiative will soon set off a storm.
Mao's victims will demand the Supreme Court
to put Mao on trial. Whether a case can be filed
or not, this will be a heavy blow to the Maoists.”

Tie said, Mao used various means to kill Chinese.
In 57, he schemed to label 500,000 Chinese elites
as "anti-Party, anti-socialists, and rightist".
Their lives were ruined for generations.
Mao vigorously pursued the Great Leap Forward,
which caused 37 million deaths from starvation.
He then launched the Cultural Revolution.

Tie: “Mao is China's largest poisonous element.
As long as the victims of our generation live,
we are witnesses to history and to Mao's crimes.
We hope everyone will indict him, and remove
his portrait and corpse from Tiananmen Square.”

Chen Kai, anti-CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
anti-authoritarian activist, and ex-national basketball
player, said Mao represents the power politics.

Chen: “Mao is the same kind of Satan as Stalin.
He may have killed more than Hitler and Stalin
put together. He never repented his crimes.
For example, after the Great Leap Forward,
some reported to Mao that many people
were starving to death. Mao then said,
“It's okey, they can be used as fertilizer.”

Chen stressed that he didn't think Mao
had a conscience, because he never repented.

Chen: “There are some cab drivers in China,
with Mao's portraits hanging in their cars as charms.
Why do Chinese use a Satan to protect themselves?
Because CCP uses people's deep-rooted fears
to control society: 'If you don't follow me, I'll kill you.
I can put you in jail and starve you to death.' Many
Chinese have long been devoid of conscience.
They focus only on their fear, which controls them.”

Chen believes to build a positive Chinese society,
one cannot use fear and shape people's conscience.
NTD reporters Chang Chun,Tang Rui and Wu Huizhen。




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