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官媒报周永康全家被抓又删除 为啥?
















Communist Media Deletes Report on

Zhou Yongkang’s Family Arrest


On March1, state-run media did a full exposure report on the

stories and arrest of Zhou Yongkang’s family.

However, this news was quickly deleted after being forwarded

on by other websites.

Why did the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) release such

a rare report prior to the annual parliament meetings?

Why was it then deleted?

Let's look at the experts analysis.

The Chinese Caixin media has released multiple reports on

Zhou Yongkang’s case.

Another detailed report on Zhou Yongkang’s family was

released on March1.

It said that Zhou’s son, Zhou Bin, aged42, is a native of

Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province.

His father was formerly known as Zhou Yuangen.

The report described, how Wuxi went through massive

urbanization construction in2004.

Yuangen Avenue was illegally constructed and caused forced


Zhou Yuangen’s classmate’s house was not spared.

During the road construction, Zhou’s house was rebuilt and

turned into two new courtyards.

The rebuilt was financed half by Zhou and half by the

Wuxi authorities.

The article also revealed that Zhou Bin was taken away by

police from his villa near the airport early December last year.

His wife, Huang Wan, a U.S. passport holder, was also taken.

Huang Wan’s father, Huang Yusheng, has gone missing too.

Zhou Bin’s uncle, Zhou Yuanqing’s wife and son,

were all taken to Beijing last December.

Caixin’s report was forwarded by other Chinese Internet portals

such as Sina and Tencent. But, the article is no longer available.

Zhang Tianliang, commentator:“The CCP would normally

build a so-called harmonious atmosphere prior to the annual

parliament meetings.

Scandals of the leadership are typically forbidden.

The appearance of this article indicated that it is time

to release Zhou Yongkang’s case.

Its deletion could be due to other unified deployment within

the regime, or because it’s done to test public reactions.”

Before Bo Xilai, former Chongqing Party Secretary, was put

on trial, there was also a report predicting the time and place.

But, it was also quickly deleted.

Chris Wu, China affairs magazine editor-in-chief:“Several

outlets were to reveal Zhou Yongkang’s case, but none

of those have happened.

The parliament meetings will be the last outlet of Zhou’s case.

They need to publicize it to satisfy the public desire to hit the


However, none of these are going to solve the problem.

It needs to solve the system, not the people,

but the corrupt Communist system.”

A day before Caixin’s report, Shanghai Oriental Morning

Post had an exclusive report after visiting Zhou’s family.

It said that Zhou Bin’s mother, Zhou Yongkang's ex-wife,

Wang Shuhua, passed away.

Zhou Yongkang’s last visit home was in April last year.

Zhou Yongkang’s younger brother Zhou Yuanqing lived

in Wuxi after retirement.

His wife, Zhouling Ying, is a legal representative of Beijing

Wang Han Investment Limited.

They have a son named Zhou Feng.

Last September,21cbn.com reported that PetroChina lost state

assets to a Sichuan fertilizer company in equity cooperation.

State assets from PetroChina’s subsidiary, Sichuan China Oil,

went to the private company through investment.

The biggest beneficiary was said to be Zhou Feng.

Chris Wu:“The key is that, Xi Jinping, has a formidable

opponent, composed of a group of retired veteran politicians.

Will the CCP really be saved with the downfall of Zhou

Yongkang? None of them would believe it.

They are very worried. Who will be the next?

None of them have a clean past.

Including the retired veteran politicians and Xi Jinping,

they all want to maintain the Communist regime to save

their own money. It is not about benefiting the state at all.”

The Chinese media also reported in detail the past of Zhou

Bin’s father.

It is said that Zhou’s father, Zhou Yuangen retired in2012

from the leader position.

Accompanying the report was a diagram of three generations

of Zhou’s family.

The report said that Zhou Yuanxing’s home was frequently

attended by visitors in several cars driving to the courtyard

every day.

In the past three months, the visiting cars have suddenly


Zhou’s residence had many surveillance cameras.

Interview& Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu




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