新鲜事 > 民俗风情 > 正文

看看羡慕不 一个俄罗斯农民的一天

Vasiliy Ivanovich is a former miner. Now he lives in the countryside and really enjoys his lifestyle. He can’t imagine himself without everyday labor. Let’s spend the whole day with him and see what he usually does.

In the morning he drinks coffee and watches the news. He says that his kitchen is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. He has a stove, a refrigerator and a TV set. Everything is made with his own hands.

Tosha sometimes comes to Vasiliy’s place to have a meal. Actually, it’s not only Vasiliy who considers himself the cat’s master but also the owners of the 20 nearest houses. The sly cat enters all the houses one by one and cleans out the given bowls with food. In winter, though, he mostly hangs out in Vasiliy’s house.

Which inside is very like a city flat. Here is a toilet and a shower cubicle.



责任编辑: 郑浩中   转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
