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FDA强调用于眼部治疗的产品应该是无菌的,因为“药物滴入眼中会绕过人体的一些自然防御屏障,从而对使用者造成潜在伤害的风险更高”。 然而,FDA的检察员在眼药水工厂生产区域的环境采样显示“细菌检测呈阳性”,所以要求相关厂商和零售商召回这些产品。

图为2012年3月15日,法国巴黎的示威活动中,一名钢铁工人在帮同事滴眼药水。(THOMAS SAMSON/AFP via Getty Images)


市面上销售的大品牌眼药水,可能导致眼睛感染,甚至让人失明!美国食品药物管理局(FDA:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration)给出了这些产品的明细。




目前CVS、Rite Aid和Target零售店和网站都已经下架了相关产品,但Leader、Rugby和 Velocity仍然在线上商城和实体药店内出售。FDA提醒消费者,购买时应检查生产日期,如果是在10月25日生产的就不应该选购。


CVS Health品牌

Lubricant Eye Drops15 ml(single pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops0.5% w/v

Lubricant Eye Drops15 ml(twin pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops0.5% w/v

Lubricant Gel Drops15 ml(single pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops1% w/v

Lubricant Gel Drops15 ml(twin pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops1% w/v

Multi-Action Relief Drops15 ml, Polyvinyl Alcohol0.5% w/v and Povidone0.6% w/v and Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride0.05% Eye Drops

Lubricating Gel drops10 ml, Polyethylene Glycol4000.4% and Propylene Glycol0.3% Eye Drops

Lubricant Eye Drops10 ml(single pack), Propylene Glycol Eye Drops0.6% w/v

Lubricant Eye Drops10 ml(twin pack), Propylene Glycol Eye Drops0.6% w/v

Mild Moderate Lubricating Eye Drops15 ml(single pack), Polyethylene Glycol400 Eye Drop‘0.25% w/v


Rite Aid品牌

Lubricant Eye Drops15 ml(twin pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops0.5% w/v.

Lubricant Eye Drops10 ml(twin pack), Propylene Glycol Eye Drops0.6% w/v

Gentle Lubricant Gel Eye Drops15 ml, Hypromellose0.3%, Glycerin0.2%, Dextran700.1% Eye Drops

Lubricant Gel Drops15 ml, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops1% w/v

Lubricating Gel Drops10 ml, Polyethylene Glycol4000.4%& Propylene Glycol0.3% Eye Drops

Multi-Action Relief Drops15 ml, Polyvinyl Alcohol0.5% w/v& Povidone0.6% w/v and Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride0.05% Eye Drops


Target Up&Up品牌

Up&Up Dry Eye Relief Lubricant Eye Drops30 ml, Polyethylene Glycol4000.4%& Propylene Glycol0.3% Eye Drops

Up&Up Extreme Relief Dry Eye15 ml(single pack), Polyethylene Glycol4000.4%& Propylene Glycol0.3% Eye Drops

Up&Up Extreme Relief Dry Eye30 ml(twin pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops0.5% w/v


Leader(Cardinal Health)品牌

Dry Eye Relief10 ml, Polyethylene Glycol4000.4%& Propylene Glycol0.3% Eye Drops

Lubricant Eye Drops15 ml(single pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops0.5% w/v

Lubricant Eye Drops15 ml(twin pack), Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops0.5% w/v

Dry Eye Relief15 ml, Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium Eye Drops1% w/v

Eye Irritation Relief15 ml, Polyvinyl Alcohol0.5% w/v and Povidone0.6% w/v and Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride0.05% Eye Drops


Rugby(Cardinal Health)品牌

Lubricating Tears Eye Drops15 ml, Hypromellose2910-0.3% w/v and Dextran70-0.1% Eye Drops

Polyvinyl Alcohol1.4% Lubricating Eye Drops15 ml, Polyvinyl Alcohol Eye Drops1.4% w/v


Velocity Pharma品牌

Lubricant Eye Drop10 ml(triple pack), Propylene Glycol Eye Drops0.6% w/v


今年稍早美国疾病防控中心和FDA曾警告EzriCare人工泪液和Delsam Pharma人工泪液产品中可能被细菌感染,从而导致全国十几起视力损失甚至眼球被摘除的案例。有四起死亡案例或许与这些眼泪滴液相关。



责任编辑: 刘诗雨  来源:新唐人电视台 转载请注明作者、出处並保持完整。
